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About allthatremains94

  • Birthday Sep 13, 1994

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  • PlayStation Network

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    Defending Texas, with my trusty Howitzer
  • Member title
    The Artillery Guy

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  1. Switched slots, video doesn't go out but it'll shut off on its own sometimes, oh well fix one thing and up pops another.
  2. Nope no on board graphics card I'll try these GPU thing.
  3. Dropped my rig while moving around today and the video will cutout once Windows 10 fully loads. I've taken it apart and put her back together but it still happens. Any ideas? Windows 10 Amd 8370E Asus 390x strix 8gb Amd gaming ram Corsair 750w bronze PSU Intel SSD Western Digital 3TB HDD Corsair H90
  4. A PS/2 mouse from '93, with the next thing being my tank, a single core beast that was the Sony Vaio from '98.
  5. If you want graphics in a small form factor such as the NUC, wait for Iris Pro graphics to be available, or get a small APU build, a prebuilt even, if it's powerful enough. I know Zotac has their z-boxes, but they don't have an A-10 version.
  6. As in, screw both parties no matter what, you get my vote if you're the lesser of two evils or if I agree with you on what I like, since I lean all kinds of ways instead of being plain conservative or plain liberal.
  7. I know you were showing amusement, I was just still a little pissed at the grand poo taken on us 'Mericans. I'll be honest, I voted for the guy because he seemed to be more in touch with my idea of what the US should be like, at the time, and the Repubs were being a bunch of panzies and kept on changing their ways to fit in with what "the church" wants, which was, in my mind, starting to become an integration of Church and state. I knew that no matter what, we would still be bent over and taking it like $2 hooker.
  8. It wasn't aimed at you, I was just venting and pointing out what I've noticed. No thanks, I'm gonna make my own country, with blackjack and hookers
  9. As an Independent, I'm mad at both parties. At republicans for going too far this time, and at Obama and his cohorts not really trying to work with them and just saying "it's the republican's fault" every darn time throughout the years so he can cover his arse when something is about to happen or might make him look bad. It's really sad when all he does is cop out most of the time instead of saying "lets work this out." These are the two main things that piss me off about our supreme rulers right now. I sure love having a bunch of gradeschool drama running amuck in our government.
  10. Doing top secret Military stuffs from Oct 7 till December, so no internet for me! =D

  11. Time to get into agriculture and reap that green.
  12. I'm fine with anything, as long as it doesn't look like a cow Frisbee.