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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Computers, Technology, the world. Like to figure out how things work. Working with cars.
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  • CPU
    Amd 9590
  • Motherboard
    Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
  • RAM
    G skill 16gb
  • GPU
    GTX 760 windforce 3 edition
  • Case
  • Storage
    240 gb ssd 2tb seagate barracuda
  • PSU
    corsiar 600watt
  • Display(s)
    4monitors-3 19inch one 23inch
  • Cooling
    Thermaltake water 2.0 cpu water cooler and the rest are normal fans
  • Keyboard
    Thermaltake Cherry mx brown
  • Mouse
    Gigabyte Force M7 Thor
  • Sound
    Earphones and stero
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. The good ole tale of dive in and figure it out as I go Going to attempt to avoid the old drives. Have an order in for a SD card emulator which from the videos and reviews I've found it seems to be a pretty good alternative for most things.
  2. Starting to understand what you mean... At some point I remember hearing about the really old floppy drives having there own cpus...figures I buy a computer that uses one of those. Thanks for the lead on the emulator. I put in an order for it after seeing a number of good reviews. It says in stock on the product page, but when I went to checkout it shows as backordered?. So we'll see if I end up receiving it. Hah!
  3. This may sound cool to some, or dumb to others...but I just bought a working Commodore PET 4320 (not the exact one in the picture but like it), green monochrome screen and all. As someone who was not around when this came out, I have a little general knowledge of the system but a lot to learn. Hoping someone on here may be knowledgeable with this specific computer. It's currently in shipping, so diving into learning more about it in the meantime. As a starter, can anyone help me in regards to what floppy drives are compatible with this?? They came with some pretty interesting ones back in the day, but they are crazy expensive to buy the originals in working order, so an alternative would be appreciated.
  4. The Ironwolfs idk... I'd say the reds sound like a normal early 2000s loud HDD's. Doesn't sound like Anythings wrong, just way louder than my other modern hard drives.
  5. Hey Everyone, I decided to get a two bay synology NAS recently in order to give myself better backup/redundancy. I've been running Into HDD issues though. I originally ordered Seagate Ironwolf 10tb drives, and there were LOUD. like louder than a 2005 hard drive, and made significant thuds that I could hear downstairs. So I RMA'd them and just got WD Red 8tb drives. The reds are quieter than the Ironwolfs by a good bit, but I can still hear them pretty well when their writing. As I type this I hear them thudding through the floor upstairs. I've never had hard drives this loud. The only time I can hear my year old wd black 2tb is if I put my ear right up to it, same with my 4tb wd blue. What's going on with these reds?? Synologys software said these and the Ironwolfs were healthy. So what gives with them being so loud??
  6. Hey Everyone, I have a 2018 Dell XPS 15 9570, ordered it directly from dell back in August 2018. The past couple of months the battery has been acting weird. It'll work great from 100% down to 45% or so lasting its normal time, and then once it gets to about 40% it will randomly say "low battery, 5%" and then run for a little bit and shut off. I can turn it back on as if battery is not dead, but it will still say 5% and repeat the shutdown after 10 mins or so. I haven't used this laptop a huge amount, I have a desktop I spend most of my time on, so this battery doesn't have that many cycles on it. I've researched some online and see people having issues with third party batteries, which makes sense, however my battery is the original OEM. Laptop is completely original. Any thoughts?
  7. Well it isn't available to buy until July 22nd so no ones tested it yet. As long as your not looking to overclock much then it seems like it'll be a good decent x570 mATX board.
  8. Well I'm currently looking at laptops to buy for college and the XPS 15 has been a big contender on my list. Hearing about your fulfillment problem is not very encouraging
  9. How do you like the gaming chair?
  10. The screen started blacking out after about a month, would only work in one specific position and if you moved it just barely the screen went black again. Troubleshot it and went as far as taking it apart and making sure the display cable was properly connected to the mobo. Didn't really help. It was(I still have it, although never use it) a Asus N550J. I can agree with not rushing to get a laptop now, I have no need for one this summer, so at a minimum I can wait till the beginning of August. I don't really expect any new laptops to come out by then, but hey maybe they'll be a little cheaper then, plus no point in buying a laptop and just having it sit in my room till college starts. Interesting to know that the GTX lineup isn't good for CAD, I'll try to focus more on laptops with quadros and obviously more processing power.
  11. I did that a few years ago with what I considered a pretty nice ASUS laptop(spent about $800 on a refurb on Newegg) and majorly regret it. Might've just been my luck, but I'm definitely buying new this time.
  12. I just realized the laptops 40% off its starting price for small business month(I assume its only for small business month?) , so I would need to buy it this month if I want it
  13. I'm not to current on CPU news, when's that supposed to happen? I need to have a laptop by August.
  14. Thanks. I think I should stick to pure engineering laptops, I intend to bring my desktop pc to my dorm so if I ever want/have time to do gaming I'll have it for that. I'm really liking the Precision 7520, although to get an SSD and upgrade to a quadro 2200 it would take me a bit over $1500, but I do have some wiggle room on the budget. Mechanical Engineering. Programs like Matlab, solidworks, autoCad, etc. Not 100% sure all be using all those in my classes, but I want to experiment on my own as well.
  15. Been awhile since I've been on this forum, anyways, I'm headed off to Engineering School in the fall, & looking to get a laptop sometime this summer before I head off. My budget is around $1500. I want to be able to do things like 3D modeling, maybe some video editing and light gaming, but mostly focused on Engineering type things, and in a thinner profile, as I will be carrying this around campus...Ideally would like to have 16gb of RAM along with an SSD(would be nice to have an SSD & HDD, but I can definitely deal with just an SSD). There's a LOT of laptop options out there, but I wanted to see if anyone could give me some suggestions to narrow it down some.