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About offtake

  • Birthday Aug 05, 1995

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    Springfield, OH

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  1. Yeah I'm torn between the two. The plastic backing on the s4 turned me away at first, but I've heard if you drop the HTC One it can get dents and things on the back, so maybe a plastic backing might be a good thing.
  2. I'll keep my eye out, the nexus fives rumors seem promising. It's also about $300 cheaper than the others. And I think most people complain about iPhone battery life, thats why I was kinda iffy about buying one a year ago. I'm currently rocking this, it's a big ole pos:
  3. Hello! I'm looking for a new phone, and I need some opinions. Right now it's between an HTC One, Samsung Galaxy s4, and an iPhone 5. If you have any other phones that you think fit my need, feel free to suggest them! I need a phone with a decent battery (I use my phone almost constantly during the day, calls, texts, and internet browsing), fits nice in my hand (the HTC One fits perfectly, not too big, not too small), fast, and a really nice screen. Preferably with a 16 gb or bigger internal storage, don't care too much about upgrading memory so no need for an sd slot. Must have a sim slot that is compatible with AT&T or T-Mobile. Thank you in advance for the help, guys!
  4. Since this was my first build, I was looking for a cheap case that would get me by and I bought mine on sale, too. Mine sits on top of my desk. I might upgrade soon to a bitfenix colossus or an azza genesis. Not too certain yet, but I'm a bit of a bitfenix fangirl.
  5. And this is why pc gaming will always be best.
  6. Well about a year ago I upgraded to a 1tb seagate barracuda, I previously had three laptop harddrives running. I got my hdd because it was cheap, and it had enough storage to tide me over for a while.
  7. I wish this was a real thing. It could work, the tv as the top screen the bottom being on the 1ds. I would honestly buy that.
  8. I'm looking for a blue/black/white amd am3+ mobo that's good with overclocking. I'm currently looking at the Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0 990X, is it a good board, or would you recommend something else?
  9. Okay, thank you all for your input. I'm pretty emotionally attached to my 7770 anyway, it looks badass, and it's my first graphics card. Can't say I have any complaints about it.
  10. Okay, so recently I've gotten my hands on a xfx radeon hd 6850. I'm kind of new to building computers and such, and I wondered if I should sell it, or switch my sapphire radeon hd 7770 out for it.
  11. I agree, If I could build a badass pink build, I'd be on it. Also, I'd love to see more bright green parts.
  12. I'm planning on buying a 3ds xl and animal crossing (hopefully) within the week. So I'll come back if when and if I do!
  13. I personally love windows 8 as well, I switched about a month ago. I can see why it'd be a problem for some. I personally use rainmeter with omnimo, I have tiles for steam, skype, itunes, etc. Everything I use on the daily. I have access to everything I need, along with some apps in the metro. It works well with how I use my computer, and I have no complaints.