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Checkdisk on unknown Volume on every Boot?!


Hi guys, I have a weird issue. On every boot my Win 10 Laptop checks some partition with chkdsk but I have no clue which one it is. It does not show the drive letter but only the volume id ("\\?\Volume{d9f41c52-9ec2-4bc9-8de5-7a46686f72d7}"). It does that since I got the creators update a few days ago. It only takes a second (except when windows sometimes asks for permission to do it O.o It only asks sometimes!) but it is kind of anoying and I'd like to know what's going on.


Of the partions I can get information about none has this id. So at the moment I have two theories:

1. It's either checking the recovery partition or the system reserved partition as these are the only ones of which Windows doesn't give me the volume ids and they are small enough to be done in one second (boot device is an SSD)

2. The partition it is checking does not exists and thats why windows is done so fast :D


The disk management tool says all partitons are fine and have no errors. I also manually ran chkdsk on every partition I could: no errors, nothing changed.


Does anyone have an Idea what I can do?

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use 'mountvol' in cmd. copy that whole string, eg : \\?\Volume{99a18bba-fe15-11e6-a615-806e6f6e6963}\ and paste it in the "run" dialog box. it should open up to some partition on the drive through windows explorer.. eg 'system reserved'. after confirming which partition it's scanning, you could disable the scan at startup http://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-cancel-chkdsk-in-windows-8


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Mountvol does not show me that string and it does not seem to be valid to be used with mountvol.


When I paste it in the run box explorer tells me it can't access that volume (but it exists). It says it does not recognize any filesystem on it and tells me to check whether all drivers are loaded and if the drive is damaged.

I have also got Linux installed on the laptop. The system partition has a driveletter, so that's not the one but it might be trying to scan the swap partition I just thought. I completely forgot that one.


The weird thing now is that the value in the registry is already set to not scanning anything.





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