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Troubleshooting SSDs


Hi all,


I have a Laptop with Problems at the company. In the Eventlogs it is just spamming with Bad Blocks on the SSD device. About every 2-6 seconds.

First of all I didn't know that SSDs have Blocks? Or is that just a config Error from Microsoft, displaying it as "Blocks".


Now I am not sure what I can do to troubleshoot the SSD... With an HDD, I know that I can run Chkdsk, but with an SSD it doesn't make much sense right?

So I've downloaded the Intel SSD Tool to read all smart errors, but there aren't any listed. So mechanicaly everything is good?

How else can I check the SSD for errors?




My Setup: 
CPU: i7 4790 @3800 MHz, MB: MSI H87-G41, Grafik: Gigabyte GTX 1080TI, RAM: 2x 8GB DDR3 (1600), Storage: Samsung SSD 850 Evo

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First of all, and as far as I know, SSDs do have blocks too. And I don't think that chkdsk doesn't make sense. Why don't you try it? And if it still malfunctions, try to Secure Erase it(the name of this procedure may vary from SSD manufacturers).

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10 minutes ago, PenPoint said:

First of all, and as far as I know, SSDs do have blocks too. And I don't think that chkdsk doesn't make sense. Why don't you try it? And if it still malfunctions, try to Secure Erase it(the name of this procedure may vary from SSD manufacturers).

I could try chkdsk. But I am not sure if it says "OK" if that is really true.

It's not that easy since there is a lot on the SSD that takes a lot of time to reinstall...

My Setup: 
CPU: i7 4790 @3800 MHz, MB: MSI H87-G41, Grafik: Gigabyte GTX 1080TI, RAM: 2x 8GB DDR3 (1600), Storage: Samsung SSD 850 Evo

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