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Problems with wireless "tubes" !'


Hi everyone and sorry for bad grammar. English is not my first or second language.

I have the wierdest anomalia happening with my wireless connection/router. I have 3 laptops connected to it and when I turn my wireless switch off on my main laptop it shuts down the wireless in every other. It dosent happen everytime but it dose happen often. It only happens with this laptop. i did not setup the router here but its the NETGEAR dgn1000sp. If you have any ideas whats going on, or how can i fix this let me know. My GF is pissed beacuse often when i want a faster connection and plug in theinternet cable and to save battery life turn of the wireless it disconects the internet from other computers.

My first thoughts were that other lapotops are connecterd to the router throu my laptop somehow but its not the thing . i have cheked that they are all connected to the router not my computer. and i dont have my computer set up that way it will shere the connection

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Sounds like I could be a problem with the router side of things, check if there is a firmware update for it.

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Have you tried turning it off and on again?

So if I'm understanding correctly, you have three laptops connected to one router, and when you disconnect your laptop from the router it disconnects everyone else? That is incredibly bizarre. Do the other laptops retain a connection to the router, but just lack internet access? Or are they booted off completely? Are there wired connections also to the router? What happens to them?

I'd agree with Neon, maybe an update to the firmware might fix it. Maybe. Before that though you should just try resetting the settings and seeing if something had been tweaked to work in a (very) odd way. You also might wanna try getting a router that doesn't suck, something nice that'll take tomato or dd-wrt

"anomalia" is spelled "anomaly" btw

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The connection ramains but no internet accsess. I will look for a new firmware and i have tried to reset the settings. And now i know how to spell anomaly! Jeey! And changeing the router isnt an option. The wierd connections are ok. Internet and everything.

The internet comes back when i turn the wireless switch on again or unplug and plug in the router. It actualy is not a big prolem i just wanted to see if anybody has seen something similar. Its realy bizare

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Could try changing the channel the router is working on? it is a very bizare scenario however, i did have a similar ish.. problem = connect my netbook up fine for about an hour, then after that no more internet.. changed the routers firmware (updated it) and changed the channel = havent had a problem since.

hope this helps.

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