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Linux (bourne shell) backup and log code assistance?

Hello there, i would like to have the assistance of someone, who is experienced at least, in the aiding of a project of mine for school, which is about making an automatic backup system that also creates registries of the backups themselve. Here is the relevant mode of backup:

  • Must backup gigabyte sized files (from user directories only) and to a folder called (BackupUser_Giga) and create a log file of the ocurred named as (BackupGU_Log). This backup must occur from 8 to 8 days, every friday, at 7 pm (19) and 30 minutes. After 3 months of the backed up files being in the directory (BackupUser_Giga), all theyr content are deleted.

Now what i stated above, is one of the 6 different backups i must do for the "User files and directories", "System files and directories" and "Essential files and directories", where for both "System and Essential files and directories", after the backup or deletion, an email/message to the administrator must be sent. If someone can show me how one of these shell scripted procedures is done, i can then later alter them to each required form :p. Any help is greatly valued.


Note: I have found some coded files online, but theyr hard to comprehend. If someone has the patience of knows one of those properly explained, do post a link below, which is just as helpful!

Groomlake Authority

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Nowan really knows about this topic :/?


Any recommended websites to visit then?

Groomlake Authority

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Well one command you'll almost certainly be using is called "rsync"

through a combination of running that on a schedule, and also a scheduled "mv" and "rm" command to organize and clean out old backups, this should be doable.

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