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Yosemite Zone in VMBox stuck at 2 mins remaining, but theres some other stuff as well..

So I was going to install Hackintosh onto my laptop (which is compatable), until the USB drive decided to be derp and broke..


So my new one is coming in the mail, should be here in about a few days.


Meanwhile I was bored and just wanted to play with Mac. I downloaded Yosemite-Zone, off Hackintosh Zone (.com or something i dont remember).


So then, I put it in, set the HDD and Ram and chipset and everything.. and then when I boot up I would get to the Welcome to install page within about 5 minutes of booting text.

I created a drive, 20GB (I honestly wont need anything more then 5GB of personal space for my purposes..), formated the the Mac Format, then I let it install. it usually starts saying 20 mins remaining and usually really takes like 45 mins until it would get to 2 minutes remaining.


I heard many people had this problem, and I heard a few solutions such as "its done just boot right into the hdd you installed hackintosh on", and others are doing something like pressing F8 on bootup. Thing is.. It rather appears I don't have that same screen.. no where near, that when pressing F8 does, even though I'm pretty sure I downloaded the same file..


Heres a video of me trying to boot it up:



Compared to a screen that says Press F8 to boot into advanced startup and enter to continue or something.


Although, when I do press spam F8 on bootup.. I get this result:




Compared to what every single other person I've seen get:



In my menu, going to Boot Manager and everything else and trying to boot into everything wither brings ,me to install page or a Guru Meditation Error.


For those wondering to see the settings:






And yes I have EFI checked. Why? Because I get this error when its unchecked:



So if anyone knows why I am not getting what others are getting and possibly have any solutions for the stuck at 2 minutes problem thats fixable through this strange way.. That would be useful.


I honestly don't want to go through the install of 5.11GB again on my super slow ass connection it its possible its corrupted..


Anyways, Thanks.



Intel i5-6600k (Cooled by a 212 evo) - Asus Z170-A - Asus Dual OC GTX 1060 - NZXT S340 - WD 1TB (Getting SSD this month, hopefully) - 8GB DDR4-2400

LG G4 - Asus Zenwatch 2


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  • 1 year later...

you found the VM BIOS too,eh? Not getting the EFI shit but thats what yer seeing.



f12 or qemu option: -boot menu=on AT BOOT TIME

option 3? DISC



If you wait until after POST when the hard drive first wants to boot but before the screen flips once, you drop into the VM mini-BIOS AWARD wanna-be instead of the chameleon boot loader.


Im stuck at 6mins remaining. someone else has pulled it off but not for vbox, for vmware client. usually it crashes at some point but it seems locked up instead. will see, mebbe it needs a reboot kick. 990fx for myself but i have a GNT board coming stuck at the post office. My other AMD systems will boot these media but not after install YET. Its the motherboard that HAS to be compatible. The cpu is second compatible, then the rest of the kexts. after that, mostly VIDEO card compatibility.

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confimred, needed swift kick in arse. at the language menu post install now.

no lan

no audio

no video but select last option for vbox video

no power mgmt crap, skip it..and amd and fx doesnt work well anyhoo under linux yet..

smbios 5,1(hackintosh tower)

I think thats the meat of it. I takes like 3 hours as usual to install like snow or pre-snow 10.3 used to but it does install. done it successfully twice now.

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