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Kudos to Asus Zenfone 5!


Recently a relative of mine got an Asus Zenfone 5 which is a phenomenal phone considering it's one of the cheapest Android phones out there and I've decided to test its camera in low light. The reason I did that was because I saw an ad that specifically pushed the low light performance of the phone as a selling point. The first picture is from my Galaxy Note 3 with the Smart Stabilization on (which is a recommended setting for low light), the second picture is from Asus Zenfone 5 with its Low Light mode. Here's the result.







I'm genuinely impressed. Had the megapixel count be the same, Asus' camera would blow Samsung out of the water.

The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the fire scorches it. When thy life is cleft and scorched, when death and despair leap at thee, beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the Builder for the trials that shape thee.
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