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Weird Connection Issue


Okay. This is kind of hard to explain but bare with me.


In my house I have Fiber Connection. 200mb up and down.


Also in my house I have my PC and Xbox Series X. Both are hard wired to the Router.


Now the issue.


When we play games, my Wife would connect from the Xbox to my PC and we would play fine, no issues, no lag ..... BUT ...... When I join my Wife from my PC to the Xbox, I get extreme Lag in Multiplayer because Ping is too High.


I have tested this with a Friend. He is on hes own Fiber Connection next door from us. When he and my Wife connects to my PC so we can Multiplayer everything is fine, but as soon as myself and my friend connect to the Xbox, we BOTH get MASSIVE lag?


I have uPnP on my Router enabled and there is not much settings to adjust on Xbox. I even enabled QoS on Xbox within the Xbox settings itself so that the Xbox gets priority over my connection and the results are the same.


My question is, would this be a Router connection issue or a Xbox Setting issue? I don't know where to start

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