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Looking to buy a laptop for uni CS, leaning towards Macbook Air

Hello people, I'm going to uni in a few months and will be pursuing CS, so I'm looking for a laptop.

I'm kind of done with Windows at this point. Although Linux is good and does generally work for me, I just want a computer that works, without me having to fiddle around. It appears Macbooks are the only options left here.


Here are my requirements(other recommendations are welcome too):

* Good keyboard, I'll certainly need this for the programming stuff.

* Responsive

* Good battery life since I'm not sure if I'll be able to find power outlets easily.

* Performance: About 10 tabs of browsers, two being YT(these I feel are quite resource intensive), a zoom call and VSC - I'd expect it to run these well simultaneously. Maybe the job for an i7 mobile chip? Sorry I really don't know how to describe the kind of performance I think I'll need.

* Camera: I think the ones on Macbooks are good enough, just as a comparison.

* I'd be using if for quite long - maybe 6 or 7 years at least, so it needs to be future proof with specs and updates.


I'm leaning towards the M3 Macbook Air 13" 16GB/512GB($1499).

I think going for the M3 would be better considering how long I'll be using it for, however a similar configuration(RAM and storage) is $100 cheaper. Does it make sense to spend the extra and get the M3? I

I'm not sure which display size to look for because I've used a 13" laptop and it was garbage, but that certainly was because it was a 1366x768 display. Does the higher resolution on the MacBook make it good enough for my use or should I look for the 15" variant?


Also, it's about $200 cheaper for me to get a Macbook from the US than my country, and that is an easy option for me with a friend(prices mentioned above are US ones). I do still wonder about the warranty, although looking it up seems to indicate that Apple does honor the warranty in other countries as well.


Thank you!

On 4/5/2024 at 10:13 PM, LAwLz said:

I am getting pretty fucking sick and tired of the "watch something else" responses. It's such a cop out answer because you could say that about basically anything, and it doesn't address the actual complaints. People use it as some kind of card they pull when they can't actually respond to the criticism raised but they still feel like they need to defend some company/person. If you don't like this thread then stop reading it. See how stupid it is? It's basically like telling someone "shut the fuck up". It's not a clever responsive, it doesn't address anything said, and it is rude. 



bruh switch to dark mode its at the bottom of this page

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With the amount of chips Apple dumping out, I would recommend getting the latest just because of longer support period. 

I am very satisfied with my M1 MBA with the thermal pad mod. However long term heavy use, it takes 10-15 minutes before device gets completely heat soaked and most noticeable performance drops occur. 

This is with compiling massive docker images or playing euro truck on it. Occasional 10-20s bursts are completely fine on the Airs.

mY sYsTeM iS Not pErfoRmInG aS gOOd As I sAW oN yOuTuBe. WhA t IS a GoOd FaN CuRVe??!!? wHat aRe tEh GoOd OvERclok SeTTinGS FoR My CaRd??  HoW CaN I foRcE my GpU to uSe 1o0%? BuT WiLL i HaVE Bo0tllEnEcKs? RyZEN dOeS NoT peRfORm BetTer wItH HiGhER sPEED RaM!!dId i WiN teH SiLiCON LotTerrYyOu ShoUlD dEsHrOuD uR GPUmy SYstEm iS UNDerPerforMiNg iN WarzONEcan mY Pc Run WiNdOwS 11 ?woUld BaKInG MY GRaPHics card fIX it? MultimETeR TeSTiNG!! aMd'S GpU DrIvErS aRe as goOD aS NviDia's YOU SHoUlD oVERCloCk yOUR ramS To 5000C18

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2 hours ago, Levent said:

I am very satisfied with my M1 MBA with the thermal pad mod. However long term heavy use, it takes 10-15 minutes before device gets completely heat soaked and most noticeable performance drops occur. 

This is with compiling massive docker images or playing euro truck on it. Occasional 10-20s bursts are completely fine on the Airs.

For most of what I'm going to be doing this should be fine really, but might become a problem the few times I play some games.


2 hours ago, Levent said:

playing euro truck on it.

What fps do you get with that and at what settings? ETS certainly is more demanding than what I would play, so if that plays good I'm pretty happy with it.


Appreciate your help!

On 4/5/2024 at 10:13 PM, LAwLz said:

I am getting pretty fucking sick and tired of the "watch something else" responses. It's such a cop out answer because you could say that about basically anything, and it doesn't address the actual complaints. People use it as some kind of card they pull when they can't actually respond to the criticism raised but they still feel like they need to defend some company/person. If you don't like this thread then stop reading it. See how stupid it is? It's basically like telling someone "shut the fuck up". It's not a clever responsive, it doesn't address anything said, and it is rude. 



bruh switch to dark mode its at the bottom of this page

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