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how do i debloat windows 11?


Follow guides to disable telemetry, but don't run magic "debloat" utilities that take a machete to the OS. 





I sold my soul for ProSupport.

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There are a few ways to go about this.

First, you can try and go through and manually uninstall programs that Windows shipped with, but you are not going to use. Things like Skype, Teams, Solitaire, etc. That right right there will reduce the amount of "stuff" running in the background.


A step up from this is using BloatyNosy and OOSU10 (O&O ShutUp10++), both of which are programs designed to remove bloat from Windows10/11. With BloatyNosy, it gives you a list of things that it finds as bloat and the option to turn them off/uninstall them. It gives a quick description of what the item that you are turning off is, and it's relative impact. I recommend thoroughly reading through it's list before turning things off. If you find that something broke in the process, it also is able to revert changes back to a default state. OOSU10 is similar to BloatyNosy except it deals more with things like services and other nitty gritty details. I quite like it as it tells you outright whether or not it's a good idea to turn something off. Just like BloatyNosy, it has the option to revert everything to default settings should things not workout.


Beyond this, you start to get into custom Windows ISOs. I generally wouldn't go for something like this as it gets into a very advanced territory where a lot of things can go wrong quickly, or be outright unsecure and unsafe. At most, I would use something like the Tiny11 builder and build your own debloated windows iso from scratch. Just remember that you don't have to download the exe file, as oscdimg is something that Microsoft itself offers and can use through command line. (this one is personal preference just because I don't trust most exe files, even if they come from github).

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