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What's gone bad; GPU,CPU, or RAM?

Alright so there's some parts I definitely need to replace in my system soon, but with the current supply situation I have to make my upgrades carefully.

windows 10, 64bit

ryzen 1700

asrock ab350m, not sure the bios version but I know I cannot downgrade without risking bricking.

16gb CL16 RAM (3200mhz currently clocked down to 2400mhz for stability)

rx5700 with some mods

seasonic psu

The issues:

#1, system freezes, no BSOD.

No dump files are being created, I can't get it to BSOD even if I wait a while, and it happens both when I push the system or I'm just idling.

Odd caveat; the display drivers will be 'corrupted or missing' when I hard restart it. I really, really can't have this be a bad GPU in all honesty.

#2, decreased performance while gaming

benchmarks,聽renders, and compiling generally don't seem affected. I can screen record with GPU acceleration with zero dropped frames but the game itself has lost 30-50% FPS over the past few weeks. More demanding games like beamNG took the largest hit going from 90 average to less than 60 now,聽interestingly though, cp 2077 has stayed relatively the same.聽

#3, 'hiccups'

Noticed this in renders and while testing with benchmarks recently, basically both CPU and GPU with drop drastically in utilization for a second. No dropped frames on a recording but still an聽interruption on the graphs. Thermals also take a small dip, which is how I first noticed this while rendering聽over GPU. Happens at the exact same time for both CPU and GPU, and again, seems to happen regardless of which one is being utilized more.

#4, having to reduce OCs

Throughout the past few weeks I've steadily had to reduce my CPU clock and RAM speed to avoid the BSOD. I used to run an OC of 3.7ghz on the 1700 @ 1.38v and the RAM would actually hit 3200mhz. Thermals have always been good on my PC, even at the highest of clocks my CPU never went above 72c and the 5700 hasn't thermal throttled itself under an arctic accelero iv.聽

I'm trying to source a spare am4 motherboard from a friend to do some testing,聽but unfortunately nothing has been separately validated.聽聽

This 1700 was a silicon lottery winner for sure and I'm honestly not keen on giving it up just yet. I know the mobo is a POS so maybe it's finally time to swap it out? not the most economical thing but it would hold me over for intel's big.little and whatever am5 holds. I just want聽to avoid the current silicon market tbh.

Thank you so much for聽any help you can offer; really appreciate your time for just reading this mess.

hope you all have a good one

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try stability test on cpu and ram i think ram is good try to upgrade cpu and motherboad

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1 hour ago, Subash said:

try stability test on cpu and ram

not sure the standard loop amount for ram verification but I just did an hour on both cpu and ram with 0 issues. At least with the current, cut down clocks.

聽 聽 聽 聽 聽

really worried this is something to do with my gpu 馃槙

but I really don't want to further bottleneck a new gpu with everything in the state it is

Thanks for your help though

bandicam 2021-05-08 23-33-00-096.jpg

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gpu seems fine on it's own, at least for聽100k frames of furmark.

Hopefully I can source some parts to upgrade mobo and cpu. I'm pretty sure this is a chipset or vrm issue on the board. Not any of my components

bandicam 2021-05-09 00-59-26-295.jpg

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