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Creating an image of recovered RAID 0 Array

So I have 2 really old SSD's that are in RAID0. The drives are fine but the motherboard failed that's why I'm trying to get the data. I was running Windows 10 on it if that makes a difference.


I've used ReclaiMe Raid Recovery to get the RAID information and UFS Explorer Raid Recovery to Build the Virtual Raid given the sector size and which disk was first.

Now, I can see my files through the virtual raid using UFS Explorer and I've also tried copying some files and it worked fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to create an image/iso of the raid array so I can mount it in Windows or see it in Disk Management.


The reason why I want the image/iso is because I want to actually clone it to a single SSD using like Macrium or something. I have software on that RAID that I would like to use, and I don't think copy pasting that software would make it work.



Thank you!


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