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Vbox OSX - Content Cache

OSX has a nice feature called content cache. Read about it here

In houses with low bandwidth it is very helpful. One of the biggest problems it solves is the nightly backup. This is a common problem that when an apple user plugs in their phone to go to sleep, it saturates the upload line, killing the internet for the rest of the house.  With content caching on, the backup actually goes through the cache server so it is possible to, through QoS or similar, limit the upload of the server itself. Thus if you have 3 apple devices trying to backup simultaneously, they'll all share the same server QoS bandwidth limit.


So my issue: Apple specifically blocks Content Cache from running on a VM (They say it and I definitely confirmed it). I'd love to just spin up a stripped down OSX VM that'll take care of the content cache instead of having to run a dedicated Apple computer.


Thanks for the read.

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