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660 Ti Overclocking


I'm just curious as to what everybody is achieving on these cards and maybe even how the adjustment differs between everybody. So far on my MSI Power Edition Pre- OC'd my stock settings in game and in Unigine Heaven were:

Core Clock : 1175Mhz

Mem Clock: 3005Mhz

Now, the only real tinkering I have done so far is dramatically raising the Mem Clock first and then I raised the Core Clock; in increments of course.

My stopping point was:

Core Clock: 1215Mhz

Mem Clock: 3405Mhz

My Temps never go above 63C during any game, and in Unigine Heaven they never peak passed 60C. Now I very much so understand I'm only raiding clocks at the moment, my next step would be to slowly raise the voltage but as to what increments I'm not sure really.

Anyhow, can't wait to hear what everybody else is working on!

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