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New monitor advice, detailed info inside


Hello, folks!


I am looking to upgrade from an ancient 19" Samsung Syncmaster 943NW to something new.


System specs are:

i5 3470, 3.2 ghz
R9 380 4gb
8 gb ram


I am first and foremost looking for a budget solution. Obviously, with this system, I don't need anything over 60 hz.
I really don't care about any fancy extras, I am perfectly fine with using in-app vsync, especially if this means a cheaper option.


Should I look for something that has "flicker-free" on the label? Is that really important?


I tried one VA panel a few months ago, it had such bad response times and such bad ghosting, I had to return it.
A friend of mine bought an IPS and says it's great but has what's obviously called "IPS glow", in various degrees.

Both of those things HORRIFY me. The ancient Samsung does everything I want just right, it has no ghosting or smearing or weird glows, it just WORKS and the response time (5ms according to specs) feels great compared to almost everything I've had the chance to use a while at friends' houses. I am just catching myself leaning in and squinting every now and then, plus I'm sick of black bars in oh-so-many games these days.


Currently, I'm eyeing some ASUS / BenQ / Acer TN-panel 24-inchers.

Any and all advice is appreciated!

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i'd recommend an IPS for color accuracy, it's the best kind of panel (imo)
Most monitors with those specs are very similar, i'd say just get one that looks good and has good response time and if there's anything else specific you want, i've only used "flicker-free" monitors since most have it, i don't get headaches or anything while using them for a long period of time. if you want smoother gameplay tho 144hz is a huge upgrade, you'd have to upgrade though depending on what games you play

Welcome to the forum btw

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