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Create own E-Commerce website


For one of my school projects I had to create a basic E-Commerce site where you can view products and filter the products and search for specific products, and tbh it was really easy, even adding your own products to the database. The programming language used were PHP and MySQL, HTML and CSS for the visual. 


But my friend was asking he wants an E-Commerce site for his business and obviously I wont be programming it but is there a cheaper way of doing it yourself. One person he asked was charging him £2,000 just for the layout and the backend stuff. And I really don't see why he is charging so much? All the guy does is use a template and creates the website from there so why charge so much?


I've been doing some research and found PrestaShop which is free and found a template which will cost me but it will be A LOT cheaper if I do this. 


So is PrestaShop a good alternative of doing it yourself and buying a template? Has anyone got any experience with this? Are there any other alternatives I could go to? The reason I'm interested with PrestaShop is because it's got a backend and frontend system so it'll be a lot cheaper. 


Something I want to know is how does the payment systems work? Are they secure? 


Any advice will be helpful.


Thank You

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I've made websites for some MMO's and businesses (which include E-Commerce) I do not charge near £2,000. I charge 10/Hour that's it. I program and do the graphics. I will make anything necessary. If you want it professional I would not personally go with a template. Making your own or having someone make it is better for experience and professionalism. 

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Yes i understand what your saying philosphy but even though I understand the programming I am terrible at design and graphics lol.

Will go with a profesaional one later but this is to see if its worth investing a lot in an ecommerse site as another friend lost money and it did look professional too

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