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About PeanutsAreYum

  • Birthday Jun 17, 1998

Contact Methods

  • Steam
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  • PlayStation Network
  • Twitch.tv
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Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Computers and Shit


  • CPU
    i5 4670K
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte G1 Sniper Z87
  • RAM
    Corsair Vengeance 2X4GB 1600Mhz
  • GPU
    Gigabyte R9 290 Windforce
  • Case
    Phanteks Enthoo Pro
  • Storage
    240GB Crucial M500 + WD 250GB Black
  • PSU
    Thermaltake SP750
  • Display(s)
    BenQ XL24IIT (primary) + Samsung SyncMaster 943B
  • Cooling
    Thermaltake Water 3.0 Performer w/ Push Pull Bitfenix Spectre Pro Green
  • Keyboard
    Ducky Shine 3 Cherry MX Blue w/ Green Backlight
  • Mouse
    Logitech G400s
  • Sound
    Sennheiser HD 280pro + Logitech X-240

PeanutsAreYum's Achievements

  1. PeanutsAreYum YESSSSSSS https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 My god Linus you are crazy but I knew it would work, I mean it's Dell https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl ALSO please don't giveaway your personal rig, it's too special
  2. I am looking to get either an NZXT G10 Kraken or a full loop (I have finally found a good watercooling place in Aus) but I have a Windforce 290 and I have seen other forum threads (which I don't trust as much as you guys) that say you need a reference 290. So is the Windforce 290 a reference PCB? I've had a look at pictures and it looks damn similar but I need to be sure Thanks
  3. Sweeet Sweeeeeeet triple-slot coolers. And oh boy does (although a little gimmicky) the AMP Extreme cooler look good
  4. I have and SSD for boot d primary games. I have a second drive for other stuff and I recently upgraded it from a 250GB Seagate Barracuda to a WD Caviar Green 1TB but the Green spools up very slowly meaning it slows down boot. Is there anyway to stop my HDD from spooling up on boot and waiting for windows to log me in before spooling up? If there is could someone give me a link or explain step by step if it is at all difficult. Thanks
  5. I sincerely thank you Linus, and your team for making such enjoyable and high quality video's, I now know so much more about something I love (Tech) and hope you guys go further and better yourselves to the utmost you can. I don't mind if I don't win because well, I feel like I already have, don't get me wrong, those prizes would be awesome but I feel like your content and the community you have created is just as good. Keep being awesome! and thanks again
  6. I have a Crucial M500 240GB SSD right now but am close to the total capacity and rather than ditching that one and getting a bigger SSD I thought why not just buy a second and Raid it but I'm pretty sure the M500 series are getting replaced by the MX100 series and by the time I need more space (for BF HardLine release) I don't think I will be able to get a brand new M500 240GB and the MX100 only comes in a 256GB. Can I still raid these two drives?
  7. I'm using a BenQ XL2411T 144Hz Gaming Monitor and I only get about 75-90 FPS on BF4 on ultra. Again.... FPS whore
  8. Hey guys, being the FPS whore I am, my single 290 Windforce is not enough for me and I am going to upgrade my my system. I have an i5 4670K, an R9 290 and a thermaltake SP-750w PSU I have seen one of JayzTwoCents video's about his SLI set up (sorry can't find which one) where he measures the wattage pulled by his GTX 680 OC'd and 3770K OC's to 4.7Ghz OC'd RAM and it was less than around 400w or something under a stress test on both GPU and CPU. So in conclusion can I run a second R9 290 on my current PSU or do I need to upgrade? And If I do, The Cooler Master Vanguard 1000w is looking pretty good for me, is it? or perhaps the Thermaltake TP-850w Gold EDIT: Here's the video I just want some opinions from people who have done this
  9. I have a Samsung Galaxy S 2 with a brocken charge port and no intent to buy a new phone, wow it would be great if I won this
  10. 1) Shitty laptop 2) Shitty over priced gaming laptop 3) Amazing Desktop 4) same amazing desktop with green lighting which used to be original but now apparently everybody has green PC's