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  1. I know this is wayyy off topic but I would like everyone to share the channels they know which are light comedy/fun about a group of friends or family or community, etc. I really really enjoy csf videos. It is almost like a dream for people like me to live such a fun and techy life Would love to see more vids and channels like it. Thanks (I also thought that the first rule in off topic could be like : CoC means code of conduct and not clash of clans duh )
  2. From my experience till now Being both a pc gamers (mostly cs) and console (fifa and others) consoles are still a good way to play with your friends IN THE SAME LIVING ROOM, not in each friend in his own house. For me playstation was convenience gaming as I had lesser time due to studies to play cs regularly and at competitive levels. Gradually Over time now I only play ps4 and ALMOST NO PC. I know my life is shiz But a Mans Gotta Game, no matter where.
  3. Thank you guys I never thought about internal HDDs with an housing! Certainly going to try it out. Carelessness was my biggest enemy I think. Sorry for the late reply and thanks again for all your quick responses
  4. In my personal experiance, i have bought 2 external hard drives of 1tb each of WD and Seagate, both of which died within 1.5 years. I was lucky enough to get Seagate one replaced only to have the replacement also dead within a year. What i am looking for is a Economical way to store my data. Particularly Im looking for durable hard drives which would stand the test of time. I can not afford to keep on buying new hard drives every now and then, please suggest an external hard drive that will last atleast 2-3 years. Also this is my first post.