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Everything posted by Freeman

  1. The video titles on YT are so useless I just gave up and just watch these videos when I´m on a forum and take my pick from LLT Official section. I hope there were subsections for the different channels .
  2. Quite a disappointing video tbh, I have expected some information about the camera, what is it good at and what it can do, instead, it was just saying over and over that it´s expensive...
  3. Darn man, why couldn´t you name it something like: This was a really good video, but it took me until now to watch it, cos I´ve just thought it was some janky unpractical mod, rather than the proprietary technology intel has been hyping up.
  4. Well, they can hardly admit to be collecting your data all day. Just try getting two phones, root one and delete all the google stuff and see the difference in battery life at the end of the day (have to try different days, cos of the exact variance you´ve described in the video). It would also make a gr8 video .
  5. Kind of funny that even the darn form is on google platform. Really shows our dependence on those guys.
  6. It doesn´t have USB2, it´s way too big, costs a whole lot. Yep, I don´t think this one is for me, I like me I/O to be ON the laptop, I even gate powerbricks, I´d love a laptop w/ integrated PSU.
  7. I kind of wish it was all serious, since there were some really interesting points that pretty much explain the way videos from LTT were developing recently, but I totally understand why there was so much comedy mixed in. Still a nice video .
  8. u r right, I´ve meant to say "title".
  9. It would be really helpful to have the name of the product in the title, it´s not even a long name. I mean, when I´ve entered "g701 review" in the YT search, you didn´t even make the first page.
  10. I'm so happy about this. You can barely ever cap out a CPU during gaming so it makes a ton of sense to have a CPU that can also handle doing stuff in a background while i play, plus a CPU that is pretty gr8 in any situation. And even in game only scenarios, more and more games are able to spread the load over multiple threads, so this one is way more future proof than a highly clocked one.
  11. Yep, the similarities are abundant, but I honestly think it´s just a coincidence.
  12. Darn, blame that on me, I´ll edit this after finishing the video. E: I see where you are coming from. Mom´s laptop, SSD from eBay/Amazon, loading times measured with the phone laid against the screen, but I´m pretty sure it´s just coincidence. If u follow the LTT video closely, it´s pretty obvious the SSD was there already and he just grabbed a HDD, installed windows and a few apps and then told the story, which was possibly even true, except he was acting as if he did it just now. And the "phone benchmark" is just a very common way to demonstrate a thing like this.
  13. Throwing shade around and then not even posting a link, please!
  14. No, children wander off because they are angry or depressed and sad. In the first case they would throw away the tracker, to show it to their parents. When they are depressed, they just wouldn´t want the human contact, they want to be away from everything, so of course they would throw it out. Plus, having a tracker on you will surely go a long way to make a depressed kid even more depressed.
  15. When you try to snatch a kid without the setup, you stand no chance of succeeding. Police responds really fast to this, there are CCTV cameras everywhere, thermovision is on most police helicopters and those can be dispatched in few minutes, no you really don´t just take a kid. As for wandering off, If you don´t count the "supermarket" cases, it´s pretty much always out of their free will and in that case, he/she will ofc just throw away the tracker.
  16. I'm pretty disappointed that Linus, as a motorcyclist, doesn't know this. GPS trackers with GSM modules have been used on motorcycles for years and they are pretty useless. A small GSM disruptor is cheap and easy to use, so even lowlife thieves have them. Also, stealing children is a bit more serious business, so I can't imagine those people not having them already. The only small advantage the GPS tracker on a motorcycle provides, is that sometimes, the crooks will leave it out in the woods for a few days and check if somebody comes for it, because they are too lazy to actually look for the tracker. Unfortunately this is a bit difficult to do with a kids and the tracker is harder to hide, so the only real use is for over controlling parents who want to stalk their kids.
  17. He didn't. The notebook had and SSD b4, he put a HDD in it, installed new windows, possibly w/o the updates (they'd take forever, even with their downlink, cuz Msoft...) and then put back the SSD that he installed two years ago. He even talked on a wan show about getting an SSD for his mom's laptop.
  18. YT uploads are usually right on time, probably since they have been ready for at least a week and their uplink is wicked fast... Maybe they were considering additional changes or YT processing derped yet again.
  19. What the hell are you doing to those laptops? We don't really have that much problems with HDD laptops and the biggest benefit of SSD upgrade is the ability to carry it while it's turned on and computing. Such a long boot and app loading times are pretty strange. Also, you have already made pretty similar video, HDD vs SSD, only it was more in-depth and the drawbacks of HDDs weren't so exaggerated (although admittedly, you have mentioned at the end, that 99% of the time, there will be no difference).
  20. Could you zoom in on some of those comparison frames in the next videos on this subject. They may not be a good way to relay the color depth difference, but at least we would be able to see the difference in detail.
  21. What about WYSIWYG web builder, the name is pretty descriptive, but is it good and will it let me go to the code and fiddle with it?
  22. Nothing? I was thinking, that if there is no direct way to do it, macro should be able to do the trick, but I was kind of hoping, that someone more competent has taken a bash at it (u get it? bash? , ok, I´ll crawl back into my hole ).
  23. Hi, I wanted to use the bell thingy to tell youtube that when I subscribe to the channel, I want to subscribe to the channel, but the best I can do is just get the list of subscriptions and click it one by one, which is really frustrating, since I have to click, wait for dialog box to open, click some more, wait for dialog box to close and repeat. So, my question is simple, is there a way to do this for all the channels? Thanks
  24. This is really easy to put together and does what it´s supposed to, nice .
  25. The Hero 5 was a bit of a disappointment. The image quality is the same, not kidding it looks just like Hero 4, the colours are tiny bit different, but honestly, u can change that in post. The touch screen is a downgrade, since it makes it much harder to change resolutions and other settings on the run. The stabilisation is digital only, although props for not managing to still have a decent FOV, even with stabilisation on. And the battery life stayed the same, cuz GoPro just hates everyone.