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Yay. Some court somewhere has decided that you can't lock people up and send people to Prison for violating a TOS.


There's hope for humanity yet.

  1. ARikozuM


    I see nothing wrong with that. In all honesty, there should be audits done by the gov't so that an algo can't just trash applications based on common word usage, addresses, etc. 

  2. AlTech


    @ARikozuM To the 2nd part of what you said, I think that it shouldn't be a crime to violate a TOS. Not necessarily that governments need to audit algorithms or whatever. But that people should have criminal protection against doing so.


    For hacking a computer system in the way hackers are portrayed in movies, yes that's undoubtedly a crime but if it's not hacking then that's where I draw the line. Although arguably I'd still say even if it is hacking then it shouldn't be a felony or a serious crime. It should just be as bad as breaking and entering or lock picking.
