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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Perth Australia
  • Interests
    Current affairs, Tech news, Science (physics) ,Music of all kinds , Boxing , E cigs , DIY Projects , Movies , Documentary ,Amateur R/C , Servers , Gaming , meeting people of different standings/backgrounds; the world is my oyster!
  • Biography
    grew up in a tough neighborhood in singapore, didn't think then that i would amount to much got lazy met bad people it was to end like a sad cliche , but then one day i got lucky and moved to Sydney, was inspired and told i could achieve anything , worked hard against my learning impairment, got out of college , went back to serve in the army, moved to Perth , and am currently working towards a degree. anything is possible when you believe in your own strength, give into the hype and you'll be swallowed whole; never to see the light of your own potential again. work hard and you'll change the people, who so desperately try to drag you into the abyss.
  • Occupation


  • CPU
    AMD FX 8360
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
    Corsair Vengence 8GB DDR3 1600 CL8
  • GPU
    Gigabyte 7870 OC Edition
  • Case
    Corsair Vengeance® C70 Mid-Tower Gaming Case — Arctic White
  • Storage
    256GB Samsung 840 Pro & 1TB WD Black
  • PSU
    Corsair 650W Modular TX Series
  • Display(s)
    Asus VS247H
  • Cooling
    Corsair Hydro H110 Liquid Cooling
  • Keyboard
    Medion Backlight Generic Keyboard
  • Mouse
    Mikoyan Foxbat
  • Sound
    Asus Xonar ST

bryann816a's Achievements

  1. thanks darren lynch for joining us today. thanks for asking my question it made my day! thanks linus!
  2. i just watched you video on the I7 and the Pentium G3258 I want to say that the pentium G3258 seems like a good way to address the 'budget enthusiast' sector who choose AMD for its value. i guess i can expand my question on the budget enthusiast/gaming chip by asking; if the Pentium G3258, is the new platform you are using for the budget enthusiast. if so will there be one with more cores? it seems highly overclockable and priced similarly to the cheapest of AMD APU's A4 5300 also dual core. So is this a building block for higher tiers of this chip? if so what do you expect the highest performing chip to cost? will there be further iterations of this product using the same product? I understand that this is a anniversary chip, hence, will there be further iterations of this product using socket? or is this an EOL chip?
  3. Well to begin, the i5 isn't top of the range. i'm talking about a new line of chips entirely. doesn't have to be power efficient or even the most powerful chip. it however must be a chip for gamers, where the socket can remain the same THROUGHOUT the many upgrades! ; also the max pricing should be at the aforementioned $250. it could be a pentium chip for all i care. the idea is basically to have a chip designed to provide the power needed for a gamer, and then some any workload or game must work without issue, just like the 8350. i guess the best analogy is to say; the average gamer does not need an i7 PERIOD! no game to date needs that much power! but if you tell him that the i5 is sufficient for his 'meaningless' hobby. he would most definitely feel that he has made a loss by buying a less powerful chip. i hope i clarified that point. if you have a different take, please do share
  4. lol i think this was a move to promote gaming on consoles instead of PC. if a game plays the same on a $500 console and a potential $2000 PC. why would you spend the extra $1500 for the PC. its much like the logic and principle used by cable companies. all major cable companies are isps. they know that online content is a threat to their subscription base. so why would they upgrade the infrastructure. its like shooting themselves in the foot. it would also mean the death of cable shows. unless they can figure out a platform to distribute the content much like Linus said. overall i wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft and Sony had a hand in screwing with the experience. For those who still don't know, modern games are developed for consoles first then ported to PC, which is why they are so poorly optimized. case in point GTA 5! yes i went there! MUHAHAHAHHA FukUPcGamerzGimmeAllDa$$$$$
  5. hello all the way from Perth Australia thanks for making this international disclaimer i use AMD products at least i will be honest about this. since the FX line which was cheap and value oriented is now mostly dead; i have a few questions in regards to how intel will respond to the shift. 1) when designing new chips how much input does Intel have in the designing of motherboards. do you set parameters on what should be standard across the line of mobos. or do you leave the mobo manufacturers creative freedom to implement functions according to value. eg 3rd party audio processing, oc functions, thunderbolt, usb and sata manufacturing. in regards to sata express, i understand that the first iteration of sata express was created using a ASMedia controller. i would like to know if Intel helps to engineer the hardware that goes into the mobos; that there is a performance consistency across all ports. all devices perform similarly. 2) a more interesting topic is that AMD have effectively dropped out of the processor race and have shifted to the APU sector. i fully acknowledge that the FX series is in reality a server processor that was re-branded to appease enthusiasts. but the idea of the FX series, was that the highest performing chip was priced at below 250 around launch. this meant that we felt a immense value when purchasing the chip. prestige if you will. i want to know if you plan to release a separate line of gaming oriented chips, priced around 250 that will give consumers the same experience. (highest possible chip at competitive price points) IMHO i would buy an i7 as a enthusiast but at launch that would have cost me an additional 600 dollars as i would have to buy a new motherboard along with the chip. (money that i did not have ) To be fair the highest I7 is not really meant for gaming, rather its for productivity. but that being said, will you follow in a value oriented perspective? (possibly with a new branded line of chips that are disassociated with the 'I' series) 3) in regards to the last point if you do make a line of gaming chip, will there be backward compatibility? i have understood that almost every 2 refreshes the socket change meant that the motherboards were not backward compatible. this is a factor that prevents me from investing in hardware for an Intel chip. i am not thrilled about putting away a good mobo and chip every 2 years! i have components as old as 5 years in my current rig. an AM3 mobo being one of them. how will you address backwards compatibility in terms of ports. will the ports consistently change as we progress or will it maintain the same socket so that older hardware can still be connected. (usb thunderbolt, sata) 4)i live in Australia. the internet sucks and the people in charge of infrastructure and tech investment are dinosaurs. this means that all electronics are basically 25% more expensive because of how they are taxed pre-sale. how will you address our market here in Australia? i recently saw chips that were grossly overpriced (links below) when compared to the us ( sites like Newegg etc). will or do you have options for international customers to buy products at standard rate + free shipping? http://www.stormcomputers.com.au/catalog/index.php?cPath=27_201 http://www.mwave.com.au/cpu-processors 5) lastly as enthusiasts, we always love innovation. when something is backwards compatible AND boast a new useful features. we will be the first in line to buy it! that being said ,will you move forward in a more cores direction or will you maintain the clock speed race? will there ever be a intel APU that will end amd? Intel Nvdia collab? how soon will it be before we see a heterogeneous system. a single piece of hardware that will replace the desktop pc? are you able to tell us if such a concept is even in development? Personally the reason i ended up with the fx was because of how cheap it was and how it leveraged multiple cores when rendering or gaming. it wasn't great for everything but it did everything i wanted; and then some. in my years of building computers, i never had enough money for the premiums. but when i knew a products true value i would invest.(i still have my intel dual core rig from early 2000. ddr2 and everything! ) i started with a celeron single core, then a pentium 4 hyper threading,,then the q8200 quad core. but none of them ever performed to my expectations. lag,system instability, not being able to play new games. i hate to say this but when i made the switch, i was dumbfounded at how something that cost the same as my q8200 at lanuch could completely change my view on value oriented builds. i know that my next rig is intel based. Not by choice, but by what is currently relevant. Can you reassure us, the consumers that intel will continue to innovate and keep moderate backward compatibility? most of all! not push products which 'deliver at cost' most of your consumers are not rich, they are students, gamers, and mostly 6 year olds who pester their working class parents because they think they need 745725 fps to play cod. i am better off now than i was 10 years ago. but if i wasn't in a position where i couldn't afford the high end stuff, i would never realize the value of what i was purchasing. staying true to the wan show buffoonery! i have rewarded you with a dr evil meme for your attention! all in good jest! i'm sorry if you wanted cats, i'm sure someone else will post one pretty soon Also Linus i love that you haven't fired slick in a while. buttttttt it just doesn't feel the same when he has that much job security. he's getting 'complacent' and you should fix that! and whatever happened to that toy and gaming channel? need moar nerf and fpses! and the occasional Logan, Wendell or Qain wouldn't hurt too! much love from perth and never stop making your videos! sincerely Bryan 'THE ARC' Angel