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  1. MaltDew

    2nd monitor

    Hello everyone ^^ I'm thinking about getting a 2nd monitor for my setup. I am mainly going to use this monitor to watch movies on or browse the internet, while I use my main monitor for gaming. Currently I've got this monitor, but I don't think I need the 144hz for my second monitor + I don't want it to be as expensive as the one that I've got right now. So my question is which monitor should I get?
  2. MaltDew

    2nd monitor

    Hello everyone ^^ I'm thinking about getting a 2nd monitor for my setup. I am mainly going to use this monitor to watch movies on or browse the internet, while I use my main monitor for gaming. Currently I've got this monitor, but I don't think I need the 144hz for my second monitor + I don't want it to be as expensive as the one that I've got right now. So my question is which monitor should I get?
  3. @Willson94 But do the Maximus VII Hero have WiFi, or do I need a card for that. In that case, what WiFi-card should I choose?
  4. Thanks for the help, guys. I think I'll go with this build, as Willson suggested: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qzdtK8 It looks pretty solid + it's a bit cheaper Again, thank you!
  5. Hey Okay, so I've decided to try to build my very own PC, and I want something that's capable of playing games on ultra, and something that's upgradable. Here's my build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6nqVGX As I'm new to PC-building, my questions are: - Is this a good build? - Should I go with the new motherboard chipset instead of the VI Formula - Are all the parts compatible I'm planning on going SLI at some point in the future, when I feel the need is there. Hope you guys can help me //MaltDew