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Everything posted by gazabi

  1. Your right, i just deleted it and no new space was created. The actual thumbnails take up only 28 mb.
  2. I am wondering if anything bad will happen if I delete my thumbdata file in my DCIM/.tumbnails folder on my phone. It takes up 7 gb and I'm not sure what it does, I looked it up and there arent any complete answers for its purpose. Does anybody have any experience deleting this file.
  3. I sometimes get crackles on my earphones when they get hit by some static electricity. Could be the case for you. Is the cable rubbing against anything.
  4. It could be interference or something, maybe they need to be broken in.
  5. How much money do you have for this shit.
  6. Is there anything that you aren't satisfied with. Your PC seems to have good components. From the top of my head, I would say get another bigger ssd since they have been getting cheaper.
  7. http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/S99932700/ I personally like the look of this desk. It'll fit your computer and itll be safe as long as you put it on one of the supporting sides. I would also check out making a custom one by buying legs or drawers and a table top, most things in ikea work together.
  8. Nope. Whole system, plus extra for OCing.
  9. So the computer worked before? If it did, what changes to it did you do when the problems started happening. Also try to confirm that all your components work. Maybe ask a friend with similar parts to try each of your parts individually.
  10. The vw thing is an actual vw model
  11. No problem. Sorry if I was being rude. So your saying that when you turn on the computer you get stuck in the bios and cant go into windows?
  12. Punctuation would help. I don't seem to understand what the problem is. Is it the half screen issue?
  13. I'm not sure what your asking but can't you use a file explorer on android to do this. I use es filexplorer to delete stuff on my phone.
  14. More cores the better, so the 5960x is better for your case than the 6700k. There are xeon processors with more cores than the 5960x but they cost a few hundred more.
  15. Did you try turning it on after it shutdown. If it doesn't turn on then you may have an issue.
  16. shaun of the dead and planet terror
  17. gazabi

    o ma gawd...

    This is funny but it's status update material bro. Don't be making threads with just a link to a random vine.
  18. It will work, but I don't believe it'll be as effective as a d5 pump. The pump will be pushed harder vs a bigger pump due to the large loop, that's not good for the life of it. A pump is like a power supply, or mobo it doesn't necessarily give a performance benefit but cheaping out on it can fuck up things in the long run.
  19. Post it for 400, people still may try to bring the price down a bit but don't let it go below 300.
  20. In the long run, I would go with the 390. The performance would last. Also the reference 780 isn't super quiet and cool compared to a non reference 390.