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  1. Fucking hell finally dbrand gave the twitter account to someone who's not an edgelord. This is actually a pretty okay apology. Probably not quite enough, far too late and only after Marques Brownlee directly came out against them but at least they eventually did something that looks vaguely like the right thing. If only Linus had the emotional maturity to respond in a similar fashion. Maybe then dbrand would have actually made a proper apology sooner. Also I'm not saying anyone should forgive dbrand either or saying it's an adequate apology but at least this time they made an actual attempt at an apology. Also pretty funny how dbrand literally proved Marques' prediction exactly right in the reply Now that dbrand have actually addressed and apologised (or at least attempted to in good faith) for their actions the biggest clown left seems to be LMG. Somehow Linus managed to take a situation where someone else had a controversy and ended up looking like the biggest asshole. He really does have a terminal skill issue when it comes to social media. Edit: So does this mean Linus is mad now or...? Because even after everything including the second apology and money he's clearly still not happy. Or did he not actually mean what he said and it's just performative to make him sound empathetic?
  2. I literally grew up alongside Indian friends getting called shitstain's and similar because of their skin colour and because of the Indian hygiene stereotype. There's so many variants on shit/poo/kaka used to insult Indians because of race. So fuck off with that shit I've seen how the word's been used throughout my life to belittle Indian friends of mine and it's not okay. Just because you're ignorant doesn't make you right. Far more respectable response on twitter from Marques Brownlee... at least there's an actual adult in the tech youtuber space
  3. Linus either missing the point entirely or being gaslit by dbrand. Either way it's a horrible look... Linus really needs to just stop engaging on social media when it involves controversy. It's just a straight up skill issue he can't involve himself without stepping in it. For someone who talks so much about the weight of ~100 people relying on him for their livelihood he sure does love to do incredibly stupid shit for no reason. Maybe he should get to know Elon, they have that in common. If you wanted a more comparable situation it'd be like someone making fun of a black person with the name kunerash and saying it sounds like coon rash. Doesn't sound so good when you put it that way does it? Maybe if Linus reads this he can realise how idiotic his comparison is.
  4. They didn't even mention the fact that they used a very specific racist stereotype used against Indians lol. They apologised for "we made fun of a guys name" which just makes it seem like people are mad that they made fun of a random persons name. That's not the point at all and it shows dbrand really can't hit the mark at all. All that's happened is dbrand saw how much backlash it was getting and decided to pay their way out of the situation and to make an absolutely awful apology that's effectively trying to gaslight people and control the narrative. Absolutely atrocious apology from dbrand here that doesn't address anything that actually matters and is trying to steer people away from the fact that the tweet was seemingly incredibly racist. Fuck this company they're really not showing any good faith here at all. Bonus tweet for people reading this thread: Making a joke immediately after doing something controversial is so stupid but at least that's something LMG can whole heartedly support given their own track record.
  5. I mean clearly the original intent wasn't racist but they also clearly don't care about looking like racists. What an actual reasonable adult would have done is say sorry and quickly clarify that they weren't trying to be racist. They've said something that appears incredibly racist (calling Indian's shit in reference to their skin colour is a pretty classic racist insult around the world) and instead of being upset that they accidentally made themselves look racist they just tripled down. If they have no problem looking like racists tbh maybe they just are. Idk about you but if I accidentally said something that looked racist I wouldn't flame people on twitter I'd try and make sure people know I'm not racist first before doing anything else.
  6. I found something else that also shows dbrand in a horrible light. This is the response to themselves that they're referencing: If you don't get an apology when going through non twitter support channels then it's no longer an edgy gimmick it's just called being complete assholes.
  7. If dbrand wants to be edgy then whatever but making fun of an Indian last name in this way just seems so utterly stupid. While it's probably not racially motivated by any means it does come across and look as incredibly racist. And the fact that they know it looks racist and choose to still double triple down does make it actually kinda racist. At the very least they don't care if people see them as racist. Honestly if dbrand don't care that their brand is seen as racist that should be a giant red flag. Is this the response to allegations of racism that LMG expects of its brand partners? I know if LMG don't take action in response to this I'll be letting LMG sponsors know what LMG stands for when it comes to these topics. I imagine brands won't be happy being advertised alongside a company that has no problem associating their brand with racism.
  8. If it fails within the reasonable amount of time for any reason that isn't user error then it was faulty at the start it just hadn't made itself known yet.
  9. If AMD's warranty has an exception for giveaways then it's on the person giving the item away. That's assuming you live in a country with no consumer protection laws that enforce guarantees on the item which would supersede any contract except where you're explicitly allowed to opt out (think business to business transactions). But there is damage in the legal eye. You've entered into a contract with the understanding that if you get drawn you'd receive a working GPU. You've been drawn and instead of receiving a working GPU you've received a faulty one. That's clear breach of contract due to misrepresentation and you have direct damages in the value of what you should have received as per the contract for entering the giveaway. Just because it's free doesn't mean there isn't consideration which you seem to have mistaken. You would have a point if no action was required in order to enter the giveaway and they chose a random person on the street as then you'd be missing consideration and there would be no contract but if you have to do something in order to be eligible for the giveaway then that's the consideration provided to form your contract. Whether that's liking a post or entering a form that action creates the consideration needed to make it a valid contract. Currently LMG have breached that contract by misrepresentation meaning a court absolutely can find damages equal to the value of what someone reasonably should have understood they would be receiving (aka a working GPU). Absolutely illegal. Idk how you've gotten that mistaken about damages but maybe you've missed how consideration works in contract law? Here's a plain example to explain the situation. If you enter into a contract with someone that says "If you pick up this apple and I roll a dice that lands on 5 I'll give you $100" then if they then say "Sure" pick up the apple and you roll a dice that lands on 5 you don't get to claim "No but it was free to pick up the apple" that's just ridiculous. Consideration is not at all limited to monetary values and consideration doesn't have to be equal in value to the other side of the contract. Consideration just has to be sufficient. Here's a quote from https://www.lsd.law/define/legally-sufficient-consideration that explains Sufficient Consideration. Absolutely asking someone to enter their details in exchange for entering is consideration as it's a type of performance. Again, it's illegal in multiple different ways. Not even just this one. I have 0 doubt that what has happened is illegal from LMG if they choose not to replace the GPU with a working one or compensate for the value of the GPU.
  10. Common law contract law and any contract law extensions in legislation. Even in countries that have no common law basis you get similar contract law legislation. You can't just misrepresent a giveaway and get away with it lol. Think of the logical conclusion to if there was no liability for giveaways. Everyone would just make fake giveaways and never draw a winner. Here's a Canadian law reference for you: https://ca.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/9-107-6848?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true#:~:text=An untrue statement of fact,misrepresentation of fact or law. It's clearly negligent or innocent misrepresentation both of which allow you to claim damages. LTT advertised a giveaway for what people assumed to be a working GPU. Instead LTT gave away a faulty GPU and won't remedy that. Therefore there's either a negligent or innocent misrepresentation allowing a claim for damages that occurred due to this misrepresentation. The law works very similarly with this setup in a bunch of countries as well, not only Canada. Also that's not the only way it can be illegal. There's other places it'd likely be illegal too but I don't feel like diving through a bunch of Canadian law.
  11. Since LMG did the giveaway and the card is non functional that'd be illegal basically everywhere. Think if LMG never sent the card in the first place, would you be upset at that? Well this is legally a very similar situation just a useless card was sent in place of one that works. If AMD won't support their giveaways then LMG just has to eat the cost of a replacement. Cost of doing business with a shitty company.
  12. There's no technical reason that justifies theft. If they can't give you extra time they are too incompetent to be running a business.
  13. I don't disagree with this take at all. Upgrades shouldn't be seen as a way of solving every YouTuber's problems the way a lot of people see them as now. Although in this case it could be quite a unique collab that'd create a video like none LTT has ever made so I think the idea itself definitely has value. Even just as an excuse for Linus to go have some rides doing stupid things in supercars. And it'd be really easy to get a good thumbnail out of the idea. To me the pull here is making a really cool video not that LTT would suddenly solve DDE's problems.
  14. Ignoring the communication misunderstanding I don't think this is actually an issue in the thread. I follow this thread often because it's the most valuable resource I've ever seen for filtering which brands I shouldn't recommend to people when I help them with things like building a PC or other general tech. I very rarely see people actually come here instead of support. Basically everyone comes here after they've contacted support and not received a satisfactory response. Sometimes that can be because support has taken 3 days and people are impatient and entitled but those people get called out anyway. Thank you and your team for the recent approach to this thread though. Having your team investigate claims further and engage here is really useful. As a single person I can only get exposure to so many different brands and get even less exposure to their support policies. Having this thread means when I help people which I do regularly I'm able to help them make more informed decisions and it's a much more reliable way of finding out about actual issues compared to say reddit. When your team checks up on complaints here it's really good to receive some more concrete answers and validate or disprove any concerns. I'm not sure if you realise or not but this thread is an incredible resource that gives insight into the type of experiences this community has and holds significant value for not just LMG but the whole community.
  15. They have fibre coming into the building so that's not a problem. It's the internal network stuff they need done including a bunch of APs to get wifi coverage. LTT actually probably could help them with that though and their current workflows for video are horrid. Now that they have a long term place it'd actually be helpful to them to have an actual archive/editing server and an ingest station with a few desktops for CAD, Video Editing and general usage alongside all the networking to make that work. They're a decent size channel too so sponsorship shouldn't be too hard to get. But whining like on this thread vaguely asking for LTT to help them isn't the go. I support the idea and see the value in it but your attitude is only going to put people off OP. They have dedicated fibre to the building that was paid for by Hoonigan at significant cost previously. What they don't have is switches, a router or APs. They've borrowed/been given the old ones from Hoonigan but that had some issues. It's exactly the type of thing LMG actually can help with. If you watched the actual video before commenting you'd have known that...