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  1. Don't go over budget and get me 2x8 gb of corsair vengence ram lpx because they are small and work with the noctua clearance and the noctua cromax black for great cooling performance
  2. I have a $50 budget for a gaming mic, is the blue snowball ice good or are the any ones that are better for $50
  3. https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Fans/AF-LED-Low-Noise-Cooling-Fan/p/CO-9050079-WW
  4. What about the lian li 001 dynamic? For maximum airflow throw in a few of these https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Fans/AF-LED-Low-Noise-Cooling-Fan/p/CO-9050079-WW
  5. I am buying an anti static and will be using the screwdriver that comes with the noctua nh d15 anything else I need?
  6. I would get the card and use it to get more consistent frames
  7. ok no need to call me stupid just get the laptop model
  8. Maybe this, not sure. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-rog-zephyrus-g14-14-laptop-amd-ryzen-7-8gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1650-512gb-ssd-eclipse-gray/6403425.p?skuId=6403425&ref=212&loc=1&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_sn8BRBrEiwAnUGJDm23k3Widy69Vj8LBeY6KptJbDEYnEL1fSmgfeTJ2dXTl0IwuIyERhoCTaMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds It has more cpu power
  9. Just get me a not too expensive case, I was thinking the cooler masterbox nr600
  10. I will get chromax Also do you want to know why noctua products are brown I just learned why Also any good case recomendations, I was thinking about getting the cooler masterbox nr600 would that be good or are there better cases for the noctua fan?