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  1. Can't get danker than this. Good Luck everyone.
  2. Selective focus and virtual shot are both a big win for me.
  3. Goodluck to everyone. Glad I didn't miss the announcement. I had to leave mid-stream. To those complaining about 1 time posters, there are many of those in every contest. I rarely post on the forums simply because I don't have time to, although I make sure I watch the daily video. I have watched all 2500+ of his videos as I have been following his channel since its birth.
  4. Check for programs using up the CPU a lot. Also I suggest you check if all your drivers are up to date.. If both don't work a windows re install wouldn't hurt.
  5. Congrats on the million Linus. Time has past so quickly, I feel like the videos you did in your basement were just a few day ago. Sincerely, One of the first hundred thousand subscribers.
  6. I just love the premium feel of it. Why do you think I have an HTC One?
  7. What don't I like about this phone? The best feature to me would be the premium feel, when I am dropping a couple hundred dollars I want to feel like it was worth it. This would be one hell of a upgrade from a broken iPhone 4. gg to whoever wins.