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  1. I'd love to buy the keep on digging shirt if it ever goes on sale again, so I'm all for the petition.
  2. Vessel: Spiffyman Favorite videos: Linus' video about the widescreen LG monitor: https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY Linus' video about the nCase ITX case: https://www.vessel.com/videos/P7U9FOT4G
  3. I am going to build a pc soon so I have been looking over cases. Surprisingly, the case is the hardest component for me to decide on. I wanted a small case (and sadly matx motherboards could not fulfill my needs...). I was about to give up on that and choose a Fractal R4 (which is a BIG case from my perspective) when I spotted this on the Silverstone website about a week ago. This case is 46L (the R4 being 56L, almost 25% larger). This case is middle of the road size for me compared to what I originally wanted, but is compact for the average pc builder. Luke's review: -I agree that the window's placing is a bit off. However, Silverstone definitely thought of that beforehand (they do a ridiculous amount of research on their cases, particularly the compact cases) and I'm sure there was some reason none of us considered for why they placed it there. Regardless, and thankfully, I didn't want the windowed version so it did not affect my decision to purchase it. -The psu size isn't a big deal to me, as I am buying a psu, but it would be a bother for someone transferring an older psu into the case. What interests me is that no one is noting the 2.5" drive space behind the motherboard. Couldn't you use the larger psu and put a 2.5" mechanical drive there as well as 1 ssd? As I am getting a shorter psu, this issue also did not affect my purchasing of the case. My views: -The case cooling and SIZE is great. I also love the unconventional layout and have to give Silverstone a hand for releasing things outside the norm for many of their cases. When considering size restraints, this case is superb. Sure, there are a lot of awesome cases out there, but they are all larger than this one. So it confuses me when people count it as a negative that this case is 'more compact than usual.' Isn't that the point? I have had a soft spot for Silverstone ever since they released the sugo sg05. So part of my decision to purchase this case is because I wanted to support this company which seems to release innovative cases. That, plus the size of the case, plus the cooling potential has persuaded me to purchase this case at a much higher price than I was even considering going when initially looking at cases. Way to go Silverstone, you have at least one buyer for this case!
  4. I found Linus tech tips by accident when looking for a certain product (cannot even remember what it was anymore) and thought that this reviewer was pretty good. Since then, I've followed linustechtips since then. I read posts on the forum, but I've never had anything substantial to post, so I haven't.... On a side note, I'm amazed how linus survived the first months, considering how expensive tech is in Canada....
  5. I love that it has a microSD card as that is a feature I want. However, the build quality also seems fantastic for me. I am quite clumsy so a solid build quality is a phone-saver sometimes.