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Everything posted by JoshM

  1. Hey everyone, As the title says i just want to make sure that i can just add any random wifi card and not have an issue with a dell 990 sff. never use prebuilts and just making sure it doesnt have to be a dell product. cheers
  2. Depends on the chip and motherboard, they will greatly impact your oc. I would go for a closed loop, less noise and cooler temps. If you don't want closed loop i would go with something thicker like a D15.
  3. Cool, so basically you have too much time and pulled up something that was posted like 2 years ago. cheers bud
  4. Cool and when you and your buddies have a mad circle jerk about how much music knowledge and theory you have then you know you have made it. Fuck me you opened my eyes man, thanks! Also I'm glad my mainstream bands like septicflesh, rotting christ, insomnium, Ne Obliviscaris etc are making it big i mean they make good music so..oh wait you wouldnt have any idea of who they are... But while i'm contuning wasting my time responding to this bs of a subject I mean only one opinion can be right hey? Post some of this mind blowing, earth shattering music you have composed. I mean i may not be able to appreciate it as I havent been studying music theory for well over 400 years like every one should.... Keen for your reply m9-1.
  5. LOL. Its not thrash, get educated on a subject before you post. No one asked for your opinion so don't give it. There is beauty and melody in this. Obviously you are tone deaf as all music has some form of harmonic aspects to it....
  6. Windows 10? You can install yours OS using a usb
  7. Why are you telling me this, im not the OP
  8. You may as well, try everything, sometimes it can be the simplest things hey..up to you.
  9. Having vsync off can cause tearing, try turning it on man
  10. Personally i need 8gb minimum, especially if you use multiple tabs on chrome or similar. For school projects you tend to have multiple programs open so i would go for the 8gb (well at least i did).
  11. I would completely uninstall your video drivers and reinstall them,
  12. Comes down to, do you need or want more power, if there answer is yes then there you go
  13. SSD best decision I have made pc related (other then the 970 lol)
  14. I recently added another hdd to my setup but thats all running off 520w antec thats old as fuck haha
  15. I just bought that album!
  16. Dude thats sick man
  17. Do you even understand how amd works? the 6300 smashes a 4300, just like the 8320 crushes both.
  18. Try and get a 6300 minimum and it would not bottleneck a 750ti. But 4300, 6300 and 860k would all bottleneck a 970.
  19. Yeah dude 280x man, my mate runs 7970's in CF on a 3440x1440 monitor and they hold up well.
  20. Where the hell are you buying it for 120 lol?