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  1. Fair aswell as the expertise of their audience good point I think phrasing might be improved and labeled clearer with future people in mind they ran into a problems with people not knowing things now if it's intended to be a living document used internally phrase it very clearly but agreed in general
  2. There seems to be a strong emphasis on audience being upset from my reading considering that it is continuously listed first. more emphasis on factual than audience opinion of it, if your responding to the audience your always going to be behind the ball get out infront and put the focus on the fact rather than the opinion
  3. Hi just looked into this and their mateirials page is down https://www.northbands.com/blogs/log/materials
  4. I may be out of date here but i believe about a month ago linus stated that LMG as a company would no longer refer to things as X.99 and instead would round up, on a whole i agree with this initiative however this messaging seems not to apply to the LMG merch. if this policy is no longer in place thats fine the inconcistancy just urked me a tad, also appologies if this is in the wrong place but i believed it would be most relevant here, thanks.
  5. in adition to this there is also sustainability questions over companies essentially chopping up archealogical findings to put in rings and the like within the archeology community, i do not know much about this personally but it may be worth looking into.
  6. Would be great if LTT produced some Pride merch for pride month next year, this idea for me came from the womens clothing on WAN show as a trans MTF i would very much buy LTT pride merch especially if it supported an LGBT Charity such as Stonewall etc
  7. agreed here, the point is not knowing what caused the power suply to break so if i atempt to power with a new power suply and that one breaking but point taken
  8. so my power suply blew up after my computer failed to post, wasnt even getting to the bios launch screen, unplugged GPU and harddrives and attempted to start and power suply blew up as in capacitor went poof and i could smell it, im usure as to weather or not this is an actual power suply issue or weather another coponent was broken prior to the psu going, however im also no unaware if any other components have gone after the psu blew no signs of burns or anything on the motherboard and do not have spare components to be able to test weather things are working, im a uni student so budget is increadibly tight, however i do theoretically have the ability to build an entirely new and better PC and end up with -300 at the end the year without account for other things such as getting money for XMAS, i wanted opinions weather or not it is worth buying a PSU to see if that was the issue and the rest of the components are fine or weather to just build a new PC SPECS OF SYSTEM THAT BROKE: Ryzen 7 1700x Vega 56 hyper 212 evo gigabyte B350 motherboard also wanted thoughts on buying second hand components such as GPUs given the recent flood of the market with cards which have most likely been used for mining, Many thanks
  9. Yh I was more asking for advice on the part choice in the current climate is it looking alright, with possible adjustments for new cpus ect
  10. ah i meant to say it would be November when i build this gonna wait for black Friday / cyber Monday @gloop im gona update the og post now
  11. Budget (including currency): £1400 Country: UK Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Variety of games literally any game will probably play it (COD, Civ, AC, Tomb Raider, Far cry etc) and streaming, trying to get into video editing as well Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): , i play at 144hz at 1080p or 60hz 4k dependent on game, mostly 144 on reasonable graphics, then 4k for story games i want to look nice like jedi fallen order etc. i will not need drives i have enough in my system and will add when needed have nvme ssd, two x ssd and two x hdd, got all peripherals, upgrading from a ryzen 7 1700x and vega 56, 16gb ddr4 2400 RAM, this was my first build i did two ish years ago and its a bit sloppy and want to do it now i fully know what i'm doing and i'm more confident ect PC part picker list: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/3fLCPn some other stuff: i'm the guy who has tons of blue rays and DVD/S, i'm the star wars fan with everything etc, i'm also the guy who wants all of my games downloaded all of the time, i switch up what game im playing and therefore like a lot of hard drives, these two things are what i chose my case around. Id love to play some games such as BFV and jedi fallen order with RTX but not what im upgrading for, im mainly upgrading so i can play on high specs and always hit 144 fps without an issue, as well as wanted to have a show rig, something im happy with the quality off. please keep the replies nice and comprehensible i don't want this to turn into a debate over something little please, just give me your opinion in a way someone with understanding of PC specs and not engeneering - ive read some posts which quickly devolved Build for November 2020 gonna wait for cyber Monday/ black Friday and new components should be updated by now Thanks in advance