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  1. Am I the only one that would never trust Amazon to buy a high end piece of tech there? Too many fakes and scams on Amazon, although at least they are usually very receptive to returns, if needed.
  2. I entered the 3070 xc3 Ultra queue on Nov. 1 and received the card on Feb. 4. Not sure this applies to your queue, but it is at least some EVGA data for you.
  3. Is everyone assuming the 3070 is going to magically be available on launch day? And if so, why? Genuinely curious.
  4. Tried pretty hard to find one by F5’ing for the first 2 weeks. Now I’ve basically given up. My budget allocation is going to the XBox, and I’m just gonna keep my 2080 super (which is essentially fine for every game I play at ultra settings, with the exception of Flight Sim, which I only need to drop a little from Ultra to get 40-50 fps.). Long story short, NVidia’s problems lost them my $700USD.
  5. I have an Alienware aw3420dw. 99.9999% of the time, it is perfect. But rarely (2 times in the last year), I will get an effect as seen--attached. The screen is split in half with the left side showing the effect. I also run a 2080 super, but I don't think its a video card problem, because I am able to navigate the mouse around behind the artifacts on the left side, and very carefully find the start menu and shut down the computer. On restart, the screen is fine for months until it seemingly randomly happens again. Anyone seen this or have any idea what may be causing this? Thanks.
  6. Oops, I had an itch on my mouse finger, and by the time I had itched it, it was out of stock. This is my own fault.
  7. Welp, they lost my impulse buy. Only 15 minutes of refreshing, a new record low for me. See you all at Christmas!
  8. What about an ultrawide 1440p 120Hz monitor? Will those extra pixels need the 3080, or should 3070 suffice.
  9. However I have tried this with a 2070 Super as well, and get the same problem, so I don't think it is GPU related.
  10. Is anyone else having trouble with DirectX12 running Civ 6? Every time I try it, the game will eventually crash (either in game, or right after closing) and I'll get a Firaxis Crash Reporter. Eventually (in the next 5 minutes or so), my CPU will slow down and start to crash. If i go into Task Manager performance, the GPU usage will just say "-1%". Some menus on the computer will still function, but eventually I have to just power button hard reset to restart (I can't use Windows 10 to shut down). This problem completely goes away if i simply play on DirectX11, but I'm still wondering what the issue is here. All drivers are updated.
  11. Yep, I have it. Been on a CPAP for the last 3 years. The first few months were a big struggle. But once I trained myself to breathe through my nose, I was able to use the nasal pillows and everything is much better now. It's nice waking up without horrific cotton mouth.
  12. I have the XM3's and love them. But they are so good that at this point I'll probably wait till there is a major breakthrough in allowing multiple bluetooth connections and seamless switching of sources before I upgrade. That is the next major frontier, IMO.