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  1. I did a similar assignment this semester. I asked a Facebook group (using the poll feature) what state they were born in. Its amazing the number of people who feel compelled to leave a comment with there life story. I am glad they contributed to the poll but the comments are of much less value.
  2. An as fast as possible video answering this question: Are there any real benefits to obsessively trying to manage my RAM and CPU usage? I have a decent enough computer that does everything I need it to 99% of the time (16gb ram, gtx1060, ryzen 5). yet whenever I open task manager I feel the need to research why all the different programs are consuming resources. I don't need answers to these specific questions but these are what I ask myself. why is Chrome is using 20% of the memory? Is having anti-virus software worth the 5-15% resources it consumes and should I try and optimize it? should I stress about unnecessary background apps using resources (razor, oculus, nvidia share)? how important are all those my razor installed when I set up my keyboard. Is the conclusion to just let windows manage the memory usage until I notice there is a problem? that works for me, but what about people who can't afford to upgrade the memory to match their needs. a related side note: My dad and mom have the same computer with one difference. she has a graphics card and he uses the motherboard's graphics. when streaming a video she has higher RAM usage than he would for the same task, he thinks this is a sign that something is wrong. is that just the way things work? This video starts to answer the question but I would love more.