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  1. You would need to get into machining parts to get more custom peices. But as everyone else said, it really depends on what your goals are. A case made of metal is going to take a different skill and tool set than one made of wood or plastic.
  2. So, I'm in the early stages of planning to put a customer loop in my current system(Intel 6700k with a GTX 980TI), and I have a question. I know ek made a block for my card (non-reference pcb) a few years ago, but now is no longer made and no where to be found unless someone's got a lead on one. So baring that I'm thinking of just using a GPU only waterblock. My question about that is does anyone know if the MOSFET heatsink under the main heatsink of my card is enough keep the MOSFETs happy as a passive cooler or am I'm going to need to come up with a solution to cool them as well?