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  1. This is the most worthless thing ever posted. Random screenshots, no explaining what's 'wrong' with them.
  2. And when they do have the next one you'd think it would be the CEO and Luke with no Linus.
  3. No he was saying "Usually if employees get sick they can just eat it out of their pay, but because of the exceptional circumstances of COVID we're implementing a temporary sick pay."
  4. There was a WAN show which due to the nature of how topics tangent off eachother I can't recall a date off the top of my head like with the no sick pay one, but they got onto talking about employee rights. And I'm paraphrasing the from memory but Linus said words to the effect of 'if an employee wants to come and talk to me like we're friends, we can have a chat, but if you want to come to me reciting lines out of the Canadian work laws then things aren't going to be good for you.' This was quite some time ago I do remember that, I'd be very interested if I can find the clip if the date of that WAN show was right around the time Madison quit.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/live/L15Ox1WN1yQ?feature=share&t=876
  6. We already know about how Linus refuses to give his employees sick days, how he forces them to work on public holidays including Christmas if it's a Friday, how if anyone comes to him quoting the Canadian employment law he'll fire them on the spot, strongly implying he dosen't follow/care about what it says, because he's said all of these in WAN shows, so this just follows that pattern.
  7. People who will buy this will have a lot of lawn. People who have alot of lawn are often rich. This is a product for the rich, the pricetag dosen't matter.
  8. Meanwhile music streaming is still cheap and widespread because they just put everything on every platform. They already got burned trying to go after copyright aggressively. Why would I ever pirate a song when every one ever made is on 1 service for 12$ a month?
  9. Well that will be the final reason I won't use Apple gone, now I can still use old versions of Spotify and Youtube Vanced.
  10. Write a script for a Linus Tech Tips video about breaking up a fight between two hobos Write a Linus Tech Tips script for a video about stealing a valuable jewel from a museum.
  11. Either nationalise or legislate. That's the change.
  12. It does raise the question, what demographic are these channels targeting? Marques clearly is targeting people over... probably 16? So I guess Linus is targeting people under 15? He clearly isn't targeting anyone mature with that sort of thumbnail. Which would mean he's in violation of COPA for marking content made for kids as not made for kids?
  13. I find I really don't watch anything this channel makes anymore, except for the WAN show after someone has posted timestamps. Just looked at the LMG clips channel titles and I'd be far more interested in watching anything on there than I would be an LTT video.
  14. Won't that create a second wifi network not repeat the existing network?