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Everything posted by Venson

  1. No not really. Currently i drive mailcow self hosted with the intigrated sogo client. I created my own janky dark mode theme for it and it still does not really support multi account very well in my opinion.
  2. Why wait That is still missing my wifes pc and everything will _eventually_ be put into a small server rack
  3. Hey there, I just moved into a new place and i always liked the idea to put my server/pc/nas/everything into another room and connect via cables. So i did. This post will be rant/display/guide for others that want to try this. But TLDR; its nice but a lot of hassle. Firstly in contrast to linus route with Thunderbold, i have gone a different route and used AOC USB3.1Gen2 and AOC DP 2.0 cables for each workplace. I have a lot of different pcs/laptops for my wife and me and in addition i also wanted to run my index over the AOC so thunderbold was not the best solution for this. As i wanted to (careful bad word) Futureproof as best as possible, i used the USB3.1Gen2 AOC cables from ActiveOpticalCable.com and the brand new released DP 2.0 AOC (FX-I260-015) cables from the german manufacture PureLink. I validated all cables i got (which was for the best as 1 USB cable came DOA) with my PC aswell as with the Vive Index I planned to use. All work fine. Next thing is that i use 3x 4k monitors and i dont want to lay 3 seperate DP cables so a Splitter has to be used that can handle this. Even DP 1.4 can handle 2x 4k 60fps + 1x 4k 90fps with MST which is great as there are not that many (none) DP2.0 splitters out there yet, so after trying all splitters i can get my hand on, i landed on the "Bolaazul Displayport 1.4 MST hub Splitter" which does the job, fine. Next issue is that both end of the AOC are male ports and the connector for the vive is also male. For that i used the "DeLOCK 65374" Gender Adapter. For USB i think just any hub, aslong as it is powered externally would be fine but i used the "ORICO USB C Hub, 7 Port USB C Hub, 10 Gbps" to get the full bandwidth. If you want to build something similar, be aware that there are many AOC out there that are _not_ USB 2.0 downward compatible which will be a HUGE pain because most keyboards and other peripherals only use USB 2.0. Just because an cable says it is USB 3.X does not necessary means, they also support USB 2.0 as this requires _seperate_ wires inside a cable!.</rant> Firstly as i did this in germany where walls are actually brick and stone, i had to cut some canals into the walls: Unfortunately i had some bad luck with the "professional" i hired to make the wall cuts and they butchered my wall quite a bit. But in the next step i added the tubing to house the actual fiber cables. All cables end at the same room, where i will put all (electronics) stuff into: Also for good measure I added CAT7 lan lines to all outputs aswell as a central point for an Wifi AP. Additionally, keep in mind and do not make the same mistake: The standard tubing you get is 25mm in outer diameter and 17,5mm inner. _THAT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE CONNECTORS!_ i made this mistake and had to cut all tubes to setup the cables inside. That means, this is a one-time installation as i cannot pull any cables though again as the connectors do not fit inside the tube. F. By today, i can access my pc from my wall i intend to cover with a 3d printed panel. I am still yet to connect the index in the livingroom and my wifes workplace but as a proof of concept this works great :-D. Total cost: - 5x AOC USB 3.1 Gen2: 1400$ - 8x AOC DisplayPort 2.0: 1333€ - 150meter CAT7 Lan + RJ45 adapters: 250€ - Electrician for wall cuts and laying cables: (TBA) - Painter to fill the cuts and paint: 1700€ - 3x Displayport 1.4 Splitter: 250€ - 3x USB Hub + M2M adapter: 150€ = 5.000€ I expected it to be much less but due to the butchering of my walls, a lot of damage had to be repaired. Thanks for your time.
  4. On LTTs Framework update , the sponsor is ugreen with the 9-in-1 USB C Docking Station and it looks very nice and quite what i was looking for (planning building something similar what linus has with remote workstations over fiber) and although very informative, there is a lot of confusion for me as the dock just states "USB-C" as input. But what standard? Is it USB4? Is it Thunderbold 3? 4? what exactly does that dock need to allow all inputs to be active?
  5. And you think that this would be payed by the actual hacker? nope stolen CC 100%
  6. So much for "We maybe dont need a backup, if we need it we just pull it from YouTube again"
  7. Hey, With the latest WAN show topic of Outlook vs GMail i wanted to seek a bit of help/provide a list of mail webclients I tested as an outlook replacement over the last years or so. I aim this to be a list for others that want to move to a self-hosted alternative and for me that did not find the "right" solution yet to ask for help. I will try to add my personal take on each one of them and what ultimately made me decide against it. - Cypht Not quite up to standard for me with the UI style. does support multiple accounts. Does have a Docker image but is not updated in over a year. The last official release is over a year ago and bugs are not regularly fixed/responded to. - Horde: IMP - The Horde Project Looks very old school. does support multiple accounts. Does not have a Docker image. - Isotope Mail: https://blog.marcnuri.com/isotope-mail-client-introduction/ Looks decent (style is aligned to gmail). 'does' support multiple accounts but not in one aggregated inbox. No Rules management. No Contacts view. No Calender View. - mailpile: Mailpile: e-mail that protects your privacy A bit cartoonish UI but overall ok. Good number of options to tinker with. Plugin support (own ecosystem). TLS & GnuPG support. Does have planned multi account support. No docker image. According to author not production ready. - roundcube: Roundcube - Free and Open Source Webmail Software Great UI for someone that comes from outlook web. Plugin Support (own ecosystem). Established mail UI. PGP support. Does have a Docker image. Does not support multiple accounts, however with a plugin switching between accounts is possible. - Rainloop: RainLoop Webmail A bit outdated UI. Does support Contacts management. No Docker image. Multi account is supported but not on same browser Tab. No Rules management. - snappymail: SnappyMail, your webmail client - SnappyMail Fork of Rainloop that adds some minor features. - squirrelmail: SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts! Just awful UI. No active development. No Docker Image. - SOGo: SOGo | Open Source Groupware Good UI. Does have a lot of adaptation. Contacts management. Calendar Mangement. Does have 3rd party Docker images. Does have rules management. Does have "aggregated" multi account support, although i found it very buggy. No Pgp Support. Could not get IMAP integration to work with outlook.com. Closest i can get to my needs. - AfterLogic Webmail Lite: Afterlogic WebMail Lite PHP OKish UI. PGP Support. Two Factor Auth support. Contact management. Rules management. Good browser Document Viewer. Multi account support behind a paywall. - libremail: mikegioia/libremail (github.com) Good UI. Way to complicated/complex to setup for me to really try out / no docker image. Not Production ready. Im my opinion SOGo and AfterLogic were both closest to be usable for my usecase. However, i would like to hear any alternatives.
  8. Hey, I am currently planning to create a small server with my NUC11 and a 3080. I aim for 2 people to work of it and have some docker containers running of it. But I also want the containers to have GPU accelleration (jellyfin) and need to have low latency from both windows VMs for Parsec use. I tried two solutions: A: HyperV Host: Windows 11 Pro Virtualization: Hyper-V VMs: 1. WSL2 - for docker container use 2. Windows - Games 3. Windows - Development Premise: The GPU-P feature from jamesstringerparsec/Easy-GPU-PV: A Project dedicated to making GPU Partitioning on Windows easier! (github.com) is working great, but although there are claims that GPU-P should also work with Linux guests, I could not find any way to make it work. B: Proxmox Host: Linux Ubuntu Virtualization: Proxmox (KVM) VMs: 1. Linux Ubuntu Premise: There are some scripts, also very good tutorial from Craft-Computing regarding this, however the essential DualCoder/vgpu_unlock: Unlock vGPU functionality for consumer grade GPUs. (github.com) script does not support Ampere and reading into it, never will. Same goes for the IGpu in the Nuc, it seems like all versions right up to 11th gen support IGpu partitioning but not 11th gen. I would preferer to go with a Linux host and have 1 Linux guest and 2 Windows guests but if anyone has some ideas how to continue I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. Summary Today (23.09.2021) the European Kommision will propose a law that forces all manufactures of Cellphones, Tablets, Cameras, Headphones and gaming consoles to use the USB-C standard for charging. The proposal aims to help consumers to reduce waste and also includes a section that forces all manufactures to exclude chargers for all products. It aims to reduce electronic waste by 980Tonnes pa. My thoughts This has been long overdue and I hate to see devices that still use mirco usb. Sources EU führt einheitliches Ladekabel für Handys ein - Schlappe für Apple - Wirtschaft - SZ.de (sueddeutsche.de)
  10. Ok now you made me lookup the exact law regarding Hehlerei (buying and selling of stolen goods). In fact the german law states that if you buy something online from a privat person, even when its an auction, you dont "have" to assume it was stolen by only taking the price into account (LG Karlsruhe vom 28.09.2007, Az.: Ns 84 Js 5040/07 – 18 AK 136/07) As i said, the keys were in fact not stolen (this is clearly stated by the article source) but brought (from sites like alibaba). I researched a bit more and found another article that states that the German agencies mainly targets commercial resellers who bought larger numbers of keys from Lizengo and tried to resell them commercially. The large number of charges seem to be an "catch all" attempt by the law agencies. In that context the whole operation does make a lot more sense now^^
  11. Ok but that is not the case in germany AFAIK. If there is no sign that you are buying a stolen good you cannot held liable. But back to topic: The keys are not in fact Stolen or brought with stolen credit cards or something like that, they are Legal, Original keys. But not where they were used in germany. The whole case rests on the fact that although the keys are legal, users in german do not process a license through the act of buying the key. Much the same as buying a Russian Steam key for 2$ from steam in russia and using it to activate a game on your US steam account were the game would have been costing 20$.
  12. You are a private person, maybe you are in need of money its cheep yes? but it is my personal bad luck if it was stolen and i will have it taken from me. Let me put it this way: That would fit the situation i guess^^
  13. Well its not that clear in the press, it seem to be both true. I guess it depends from case to case and from key to key. If it was an retail key i guess the goverment goes with copyright infringement (here used for a broader term for a german law) for using a software without license. This seem to be a weaker case. If the key was an OEM key i guess they go with Money Laundering (for your said reasons)
  14. It could be tho. - First if thoese where actually OEM keys, the reseller and you would already in breach of contract therefore not having a valid license and using the software without a valid license. (in rougth translation this is considered a copyright infringment) - Apart from that to be considered to be an OEM you have to sell thoese maschines you have build, therefore using another OEM's license. (Apply same reasoning from point above) - Again as discussed in a post above, the buyer cannot say they acted in good faith as the whole case rests on the matter that everyone who should have done a basic price comparison should have noticed that thoese are unresonable prices and could not have been obtained legally. It does not matter that the buyer did not know, but they should have been put some thought into it and should have seen that it could not been possible.
  15. I really dont know, even the lawyer said its unreasonable (from an outside view). Personally I can only suspect they are investigating people who tried to deal with those keys commercially and tried to resell it or brought a high number of keys and are suspected to deal with them.
  16. Thats in the fine print of the german constitution. Every buyer is (supposed) to have committed a federal crime (ether Money laundering or Copyright Infringement). As thoese are Federal crimes, the german government law agencies are forced to investigate even if the victim does not want a investigation. So MS just lays its feed up and let the german goverment do everything.
  17. But they investigated Lizengo, saw who brougt what and when and for what price because they got all the data. (more does the article not state sry)
  18. Add: Those keys Lizengo distributed originated largely from Asia and are "defacto" legal keys. In Asia. Not in europe.
  19. @HelpfulTechWizard Well that is the big question here, the law agencies say: "If you buy a brand new car for halve the price you should have known that something is fishy" and the lawyers say: "But my customer brought that from a salesman that has 300 stores and is already 10 years in business, how should we have known?"
  20. That is A problem. The offence of the criminal cases are Money lauding. The German agencies will ague that it should have been obvious that those keys could not have been legit as they were to cheep as the difference is dramatically high. An Original Win10Pro key does cost ~200€ and they were sold on Ebay for around 40€. The argumentation is that is could not have been possible that thoes keys could have been obtained legally and therefor the buyer did "participate" in the illegal action. (Source lawyer Christian Solmeke)
  21. Summary After the German license reseller "Lizengo" was busted for selling illegibly obtained keys (Source German), the German department of justice targets now buyer of those keys. They obtained buyers information's and opened criminal cases in "a low five digit's range" according to golem.de. This seems to target mainly buyer who brought keys for unreasonably low prices. In a small number of cases, the German department of justice also seem to be conducting house searches when initial investigations were not promising enough. Under German law, obtaining a software key and not holding a License for it, is punishable for a private person with no intend to reselling up to 3 years in Prison. Quotes My thoughts I think this whole case is very clever from Microsoft as MS does not directly sues everyone who does use a dirt cheap key, but relies on the German law that enforces the law agencies to procecute everyone who is known to have broken a federal law. It again shows that all those keys that are "to cheap to be real" arent. Sources Windows und Office: Tausende Verfahren wegen unseriöser Microsoft-Lizenzen - Golem.de Hausdurchsuchungen wegen günstiger Microsoft Product Keys - 100.000 Verfahren gegen Lizenzgo-Käufer! - YouTube
  22. hey there, Are they both "compatible"? I know that you should not mix copper and aluminum and other metals together because of corrosion and stuff but I am done with Alphacool as they just a few days ago killed my GPU with a brand new (leaking) GPU block. I dont want to exchange the whole system, I want to gradually shift to EK. Is that possible without destroying my stuff immedially?