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  1. Going to see them live in a couple weeks. Got real addicted to their covers real quick. Great talent for nostalgic stuff.
  2. Right. I'm aware... Sorry, I don't communicate well, and that's the most constructive thing I know how to say. It's not meant rudely.
  3. ... Do you think I can walk out my front door and magically have another home? I lost my white boy privilege card a few days after I was born. Sorry.
  4. Hi, I'm having trouble with these Nvidia features. I don't have a really high quality hdr monitor, but good enough to tell the difference. It's only 1080p, so vsr isn't a huge deal, but I've seen it work before. Anyway, recently, I've tried to activate both of these, and with both turned on, they consistently show inactive, and I see no increase in gpu usage, regardless of content. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I'm using an rtx 3060, btw.
  5. Aren't you just an optimist to believe that an adult can take off and leave and survive without any resources or aid. And I have called the police about the abuse. When my grandmother did hit me, they said how dare I call them on her, she's such a pillar of the community. And no, I'm nock physically locked in my house, but if I'd like somewhere to sleep, I don't have a lot of choice, because I'm not allowed at the shelters. To be fair, it could be best not to reply any further.
  6. I feel like someone has to have the answer here. Some of my icons show up completely blank. I've tried about everything besides re-installing Windows. On the desktop I can just make a new icon, but I can't do anything for start.
  7. I've seen at least 15 therapists. According to the therapists, because my problems are external, not internal, therapy is not the thing to help. I've been in therapy most of my life. They seem to feel like I've done the work for myself that therapy can help with. It's just not a magic life better button.
  8. I don't use any of those features at all, and it was pretty sudden drop off after the last firmware update.
  9. Hey guys, idk if anyone can help with this, but my controller suddenly went from lasting hours, to only about 90 minutes (not great for streaming, lol). While looking around on reddit, there seems to be two possibilities, either the Sony charging stand, or something with the latest firmware update. Would love to see if anyone has any useful insight. Here's the most relevant reddit link I found
  10. I've mentioned several times that the mods here have asked me not to discuss the VERY PERSONAL reason I was banned from Twitch. Suffice to say, it was out of my control. I never said it was because I was disabled. I tend to work 4-12 hours a day on youtube stuff, if not getting drum covers posted as often as I'd like. I have no idea why you can't find my channels, idk if I'm allowed to share links, but if you're wanting to see if the quality seems worth consuming for entertainment, I'm happy to share if I'm allowed. I feel like you could avoid a lot of the non-constructive criticism. I feel enough like a failure that I don't need to be told that I am a failure objectively because I can't get a job.
  11. You're on a labor-intensive mindset, or corporate, at least. I can't work those jobs largely. Physical and mental disorders, and due to... complicated issues, the courts don't really want to grant me SSI. I guess that's the one silver lining, now they're talking about potential MS, they'll give me SSI at that point LMAO. No, I'm talking about things you really don't have college courses in. Creative positions and such (yes, I know there is courses for creatives). And to say I'm unskilled is a bit presumptuous. I welcome you to check either of my yt channels, if it's allowed, either @kagesong for drums or @kagenoctuumgaming for gaming. You'll be able to see that I have skills that can be built upon within a working environment. I haven't slacked for lack of opportunity. I just got banned from Twitch, so I lost the income I had from my creative career, and due to health, I can't fall back on anything traditional really.
  12. First, I appreciate your understanding. I have, of course, asked them to help if I can. I'm not so proud as to not ask. I hope you can see from my post, that I'm very open to asking for help, even where I shouldn't expect it, because not asking is the worst thing I could do. I call his mom, mom, and my mother, my mother. They've done more to help me than anyone else. I hope my statements didn't seem to discount them.
  13. I think I'm being pretty open that I'm willing to work for free for experience and exposure. I don't intend to be dishonest. Of course, anyone that gave that opportunity would be my first choice if I got any financial offers later on. But mostly my intent is to learn more to work for myself better, on my own projects, because no one can tell me not to do that. I suspect in that case, I'd be happy to continue to work with mentors that helped with such an opportunity.
  14. Actually, legally I can't, but again, subjects mods have asked me not to discuss, so you'll have to take my word on it. And yes, I have some form of undiagnosed mental disorder. My family insisted that only one child in the family could be mentally disabled, and I'm the youngest, so it wasn't me. I wish I could tell you more.
  15. I have one friend who is busy with his wife and child. That is a genuine answer. :)