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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Victoria, Australia


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  • Operating System
    Windows ME ;^)

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  1. Anywhere with a solid warrenty policy really. So chain stores such as "The Good Guys", "JB HI-FI", "Harvey Norman" or any official sites like DELL's although I don't see many having a significant presence over here. I looked for last gen XPS 13 after seeing the mind boggling price of the latest run ($2000~ AUD!) but came up empty handed! It's like dell doesn't want to sell laptops... well older ones at least, I guess the revenue isn't worth taking away the limelight from their flagships.
  2. Classic comic sans ms B) Also preferably not, international warrenty's are hard to come by and even harder to redeem. Who enjoys paying $200 in postage? Nobody that's who.
  3. Finding Mid-tier Ultrabooks in Australia So after a good couple hours of research i've collapsed and come to you all for some advice. I've been on a long winded quest to find a 13' ultrabook for my uni friend and come up empty handed. The requirements are simple, good battery life, alright specs, somewhere in the i5 region and around 8GB of RAM should do her fine, as long as it isn't over $1700 AUD. Now you might be thinking, that's run of the mill, why would any informed person need help? For the exact same reason that I haven't already told her to buy an LG gram. Because nothing is available in bloody Australia. Anyone got any reccomendations? Links appreciated.
  4. It'd be great for making use out of a small space where I couldn't necessarily fit a large TV. Moving to the city in a month so I'd cherish the opportunity to lug this thing home.
  5. Rig Name : Social-Sim-Ver2 CPU: Intel Core-i7 5700HQ @2.70 GHz (8 Logical Cores) GPU: NVIDIA GTX 970M (This test used the 970M but still registered as using my Intel HD 5600 Intergrated GPU) RAM: 16GB of DDR3
  6. I'm going to be moving into a small student dorm next year, so a compact gaming rig will save me a load of space and well.. Money, I'm a student I don't have much of that.. Plus something as small as the Zotac ZBox is 10 times more portable than a mid tower, I'll be able to lug it around with no worries! Thank you very much!
  7. I'd like the headset, because I'm one of those people whose headphone just, keep, on, breaking!
  8. My favorite feature was the selective focus. Plus I really need a phone before I go to Uni. If I do win please email me ^^
  9. I'm actually also looking for advice on this topic, I'm hopefully heading to uni next year to do a bachelor in IT. I've kinda always been into the desktop experience but I would rather one computer than moving all my work between two computers. I want a laptop that could run games reasonably well, has good build quality, battery life, and also provide me with a decent typing experience. Displays don't really bother me that much, honestly TN is fine and 1080p is fine. Prices around 1500~ AUD but obviously if there's something that fits the bill for cheaper I'd be willing to listen.
  10. I'd use the 5820K as a building block for a greatly needed new gaming machine. My current machine isn't old per say but it's also not flashy or entirely mine.
  11. The CPU cooler, gotta have this rig cold as ice and nothing less!
  12. Wowee, this is a big prize! Congratulations on the milestone Linus, and balls to the rest of you! The prize is mine, hahahaha!