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  1. didn't realise that, i end up rewatching the RDR2 one sometimes if i have uninstalled the game and reinstall it later. they should start them up again i think
  2. i'd add digital foundry to this, both HUB and DF put out good optimised settings guides that i like to use
  3. it's been slowly eroding since the departure of Nicky V. a true travesty.
  4. needs to be him in the stupid fucking canada hat
  5. remember in the GN video where he states that he was asked to not share the value they gave for the prototype? LTT just popped it up on screen for everyone to see anyway
  6. screenshot of floatplane comments posted in ltt discord
  7. he actually decided to paywall it for a bit hahaha
  8. did he schedule a thread to be posted and schedule the video to go live and then later cancel the video publication and forget to cancel the thread being posted? not sure if you can even schedule threads to be posted automatically like that though
  9. he's just made a post linking to a response video, it's currently private though
  10. really hope to see a video from louis rossman on all of this, especially with the new information about linus's initial response.
  11. you wouldn't see many NZXT fanboys hating on GN for exposing their flammable cases or ASUS fanboys defending their warranty scandal