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M Raheel Asghar

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  1. Why didn't you use legit water block for the SSD available on aliexpress; https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32977665400.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1f404ee5BSO87F&algo_pvid=df4711d4-c0a2-420a-9490-ad8df5f22bd4&algo_expid=df4711d4-c0a2-420a-9490-ad8df5f22bd4-0&btsid=3691263f-01b0-4fde-8156-5fbeb103fa7e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4,searchweb201603_53 or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000636561107.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1f404ee5BSO87F&algo_pvid=df4711d4-c0a2-420a-9490-ad8df5f22bd4&algo_expid=df4711d4-c0a2-420a-9490-ad8df5f22bd4-5&btsid=3691263f-01b0-4fde-8156-5fbeb103fa7e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4,searchweb201603_53
  2. Hi, Want to see timed individual PC build competition between LTT members Linus Luke Nick James Jake Anthony It can be a simple build competition or Instead of giving them the hardware, pile the hardware up, stack it in a corner in a mixed and matched fashion (AMD/Intel, Nvidia/AMD, Different brand RAMs with different bus, HDD/SSD/NVME etc), handover the piece of paper to the individuals so that they have to find the specific components and build up the PC. Install games and benchmarks on the PC. Love to see, how competition goes between them and who will win..
  3. Hi, Want to see timed individual PC build competition between LTT members Linus Luke Nick James Jake Anthony It can be a simple build competition or Instead of giving them the hardware, pile the hardware up, stack it in a corner in a mixed and matched fashion (AMD/Intel, Nvidia/AMD, Different brand RAMs with different bus, HDD/SSD/NVME etc), handover the piece of paper to the individuals so that they have to find the specific components and build up the PC. Install games and benchmarks on the PC. Love to see, how competition goes between them and who will win..
  4. Are you suggesting not to with SSD's for database?
  5. I am running a major service of a huge telecom operator with partial BI data in it, resulting in 500GB+ database
  6. I shall shift my whole Database to new SSD drives running in Raid. I won't use mechanical drives in new system.
  7. I have read the same googling it, this is what got me confused, if going for NVME SSD will have real world performance gain over SATA SSD in terms of database and will justify the price jump.
  8. Enterprise HDD 7200 rpm is already running in Raid and new SSD whether SATA or NVME will also be running in Raid. I am upgrading my whole server but stuck on storage decision i.e. SATA SSD vs NVME SSD for Database.
  9. Hi, I need suggestions whether to use SSD or NVME for MYSQL Database. My Database is around 500 GB (will increase with the passage of time) having around 700 tables in it. I am running a service where ebills are sent to customers and email events (attempted/delivered/bounce/drop) in return sometimes choke server also different SMS services are running on the server. I have Enterprise HDD 7200 rpm in the system and looking to upgrade it but stuck on decision whether to go for SSD or NVME. I tried googling it but haven't found any clear answer if NVME will have enough performance increase over SSD in case of MYSQL.