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Everything posted by Bustapalapano

  1. Late to the party, video already made. But damn, coding on OSX is just so much more hastle free than on Windows. I can't really explain it, but IDEs just work better on OSX. I'm not savvy enough to explain why. I got a MacBook Air for work, and I often prefer working on it to my desktop Gaming PC just for reliability.
  2. Hey all, very sad to say I ran into some passport trouble and won't be able to make it to LTX. Selling my tickets at cost. BYOC+Merch Pack: $140 Saturday Pass: $35 Two Day Pass: $55 Respond below if interested.
  3. Also looking for team, anyone interested who is in this thread PM me!
  4. I think it would be more fun to try and find the best&worst PC at the BYOC, then have the owners of the computers face off on stage. Eeeeh? @CPotter
  5. Also interested in an R6S team, especially with @CPotter ?. PM me if you are interested
  6. I saw an email that said Rocket League and R6S are confirmed tournaments, but not much more detail. Will probably get more soon.
  7. I'm also interested, I also posted in @FPScanada's thread
  8. Hey, I am interested in joining up with you guys, I might have been that other poster you were talking about.
  9. As others have mentioned, battery life on the a6000 is pretty poor, more batteries is a good thing to have. One "hack" I have is to use back button focus instead of half press, reasonably well explained in this article: https://www.phototraces.com/photography-basics/back-button-focus/ An expensive hack is to get a used Sigma 30mm, or some other good quality autofocusing prime. The 16-50 kit lens is almost awful, and you will be amazed the difference a prime lens makes. (prime meaning it has only one zoom level)
  10. If you don't want a used camera, I don't think the investment is worth it. For $100-$200 USD, the camera and lens quality won't be that much better than an iPhone for what you will probably be shooting. The only thing you are paying for is zoom range. I highly recommend buying used cameras if this is your budget. People in this thread have given good recommendations.
  11. I have had a little time with the GX80. Personally I found focus with the kit lens slow, and that the camera was uncomfortable to use. That may just have been my fault for not being familiar with the camera. The smaller sensor and mediocre kit lens make it a image quality loss compared to all the other cameras mentioned in this thread. Unless you want something very compact, I am not a fan of the GX80. I am also an admitted M4/3 hater, unless your focus is video. So my opinion is far from "unbiased" with regards to the GX80.
  12. I haven't every touched an X-T10, but I have spent a lot of time with an X-T20 and I think it is a really great camera. Far better IMO than the A6000, and vs the Canon I think it is really down to personal preference. If you are really looking to get into photography, I think the Fuji is a better choice long term. The X-T series is their main line of cameras so that is where the development focus is. But since this is your first camera and lens, you could easily change systems later if you end up not liking the Fuji. I think the major reason to go for the X-T20 is the kit lens is by far the best for mirrorless APS-C cameras at this price range.
  13. Yes, it works just fine when you are stating out. Still, I think the Canon M50 is overall the better camera. Better EVF, better interface, comparable lenses at comparable prices, flippy screen, better out of camera JPEGs. I am a huge fan of Sony mirrorless, I love my a6500 to death and it has served me well. But Sony's offering at this price point isn't really competitive. My real recommendation would be a used or new X-T20 from Fuji. It has the best kit lens of the three, the best available lenses, the best out of camera JPEG quality, the best controls, and consistent firmware updates from Fuji (for now). It is a little harder to pick up at first, but there is a really handy "full auto" switch that overrides basically everything when you need it.
  14. The a6000 is actually still a pretty good camera to this day, but IMO the M50 is better, and the Sony kit lens is really, really bad.
  15. Hey all, I am going to LTX pretty much alone (a friend is coming to Vancouver w/ me but mostly to go outside or some nonsense). I have a BYOC ticket and I am really looking forward to playing in some of the tournaments, namely team based FPS like Rainbow Six (confirmed for the event) and CS:GO (which seems like a likely candidate). If anyone is looking for another guy to play with them, or wants to join up with me I'd love to start a discord or something. My top rank in Siege was Plat 2, but that was a while ago. I'm stick around high gold these days when I have good teammates. Couterstrike I'm ranked silver (yea I know), but I also only play comp with my friends who are all <level 25 and are pretty new to the game. I'm totally interested in getting online and practicing some before the tournament. And I promise I'm not toxic. I'm sitting in row O, but there seems like there is still space to move around. Thanks!