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  1. Could do - might eventually, I'm really not worried about the temps to be honest, that r9 290 ran at 95c for like 5 years without a problem, a video just put the idea in my head and I was like "Hey, I have an old GPu, let's see if it's cooler fits!"
  2. What's just funny in hindsight is that the middle of the three fans on this cooler never worked, and this was a reasonably common thing back when I googled it years ago with no suggestions to fix it (that worked, anyway). When I opened it I was like "There are two fan headers in here. . . so, the first and third fan are in series and plugged in here and. . .and the middle fan isn't plugged in!! Are you kidding me!?" XD. It musta come undone in shipping or just failed to be plugged in in manufacturing or something.
  3. Towards the end he offhandedly says something like "Okay so this project was silly, just try that using an r9 290 cooler thing people were doing." the video title is "We didn't think this stupid mod would work...." if you can't see yt links.
  4. In short: the Sapphire vapor-x r9 290 doesn't fit 5700/5700 xt boards.
  5. Well, I finally found the thing people were talking about -- honestly, if I'd found this yesterday I mighta guessed "Hey, you see the difference between what he did an that Sapphire Vapor-x cooler you have, right? I mean, the 5700xt board doesn't even have enough power connections for the Sapphire cooler"
  6. Oh, no, I meant earbuds - I do manual labor and also not allowed to have any kind of headphones, but long hair hides earbuds, especially these BT necklace things. For over-the-ear, my Audio Technica . . I don't remember what they're called, they're like 5 years old, cost a little over a 100 USD at the time? They're not the most amazing headphones ever obviously, but they're troopers still going and more than good enough for me. *checks* ATH-M50s according to Amazon, tho that listing points to new wireless ones I definitely don't have now, the cost 123 USD at the time, and 5 years old last month.
  7. Well, I opened it up today and it took about 3 seconds of comparing them in real life to be like "Oh, wait, no, that's not gonna work." It's a similar hole layout, but different positioning. With a fair bit of modding it might be possible to make it happen, but my willingness to use the dremel was basically "I might add one hole to the cooler" not "Well I need like 5 holes and some clearance and etc." On the plus side, put on some thermal compound (arctic silver M-4) on cause I that thermal pad ripped anyway (all the rest were fine, just the GPU itself) and added those 4 washers aaand. . .well, it boots anyway, so I'm thinking I didn't break it. Looks like I didn't get a noteworthy improvement tho, either cause my thermal pad was a bit better than average, or cause I did a bit worse than average putting on the compound, maybe my washer are too thin, come to think, there could be a lot of reasons I didn't get an improvement on temps. But, actually playing RDR2 for like 15 minutes, tops out at 85c and it's always leveled off around there. But, three hours on this was fun, if pointless. Chasing down a real improvement from here would be time-consuming, frustrating, and also pointless :P.
  8. Every electronic anything I've ever had has either died from my daft whims, or lived long enough to be forgotten in a move. I feel yeh. edit: Except headphones. Dang things just don't last longer than about 90 days, if yer lucky, when you wear them 16 hours a day. It is what it is, I just stick to under 30 bucks now.
  9. I got the sapphire vapour-x r9 290 that I replaced with the blower 5700 XT, and JayzTwoCents's video yesterday said "Don't do what I just did, just put the 290x cooler on it". Great idea, but that video is about the 5700 and he said 290x not 290. So, quick question before I even open my 5700 XT (because I'm failing to google this utterly, can't get relevant results) -- Will/can this work? As far as tools conceivably usable for computer jobs go I got a decent screwdriver kit, a dremel, and some thermal compound. I did look at a teardown of the 5700 xt -- looks like the stock blower uses a few more screws -- but it looks like the important bits and holes should line up. Just wanting to sanity check before I walk into a project that could take hours and expose myself to the general risk of my own clumsiness. Tho, I just dug around and found that box of case kit stuff and it's got some washers that'll prolly fit, so I may be opening it up either way just to pop the washers on.
  10. I don't support copyright, full stop. That said, I pay for any game I actually play (e.g. more than 2 hours), and I try anything that looks at all interesting, and am almost never interested these days.
  11. Just watched the trailer and I'm actually pretty happy to see it. BL2 has been in my head for 6 or 7 years now as "The Last Good Game", and a new game with exactly its systems and without the Pre-Sequel's rather depressing level design would make me a very happy camper for a couple hundred hours at least. There have been precious few games I've liked since 2012, so this is gonna be a treat. I can totally see not being interested if you didn't really like BL2, and I can get wanting games to change or next-levelify or whatever. . .but at the same time I really can't think of any sequels that actually do that. BL2 sort-of did, but BL1 always felt like a sales-pitch more than a fully-fledged game, I didn't even sit and make myself finish it until after BL2 came out (tho I did do Firestone like 20 times). The Pre-Sequel was more like a tradtional sequel, screw up the level design and introduce weird gimmicks that don't quite work for the sake of adding something. I have no idea if BL3 is good obviously, but the trailer made me smile. I'm looking forward to the release.