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  1. Vessel Username: reconrey Favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 and https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY I look forward to seeing this potential transition to Vessel over YouTube (google is scary), and look forward to watching this platform grow and evolve. Also, thanks for hosting this giveaway and best of luck to you all.
  2. It's a shame that these products will no longer be available, just because of patent trolls. I have often considered submerging my mATX build in oil, but I never knew kits like this existed (and I guess they still don't ): ) and did not want to ghetto-rig a fish tank to submerge it.
  3. I really do like that Kuhler 1250 AIO LCS, I would love to be able to overclock more. And, thanks for the awesome giveaway!
  4. I like the Z2's front facing speakers and I like how dbrand offers true customizability to phones.
  5. I personally prefer Greenshot. It performs just about all the same actions, however it uploads all the images straight to imgur. I do not think there is a mode to upload text, but the application is open source and supports plugins so the community may have something like that made. It also has built in image editing capabilities so you can easily highlight or blank something out in a screenshot If you need to.
  6. The massive screen resolution has got to be my favorite part of it.
  7. I really like the design and build quality. Though the IR emitter could be an interesting feature. Good luck all.