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cold drew

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Everything posted by cold drew

  1. Stick with the Series S then... provided you are able to get your hands on one. Based on your post, you will likely not appreciate or notice the difference between the Series S and Series X, especially if you don't have a 4K or high-refresh rate TV.
  2. When I had a Pixel phone earlier this year one of the things I loved was that the Google Assistant would answer calls from “suspicious” or unknown calls for me before sending the call to me.
  3. I haven’t used the Facebook app for years. Never liked the idea that they could access my microphone, camera, etc if they really wanted.
  4. No more TikTok? Teenagers everywhere collectively gasped.
  5. Hey y'all, my first ever Android phone (Pixel 4 XL) arrives tomorrow morning. What are the essential apps, settings, tips, etc that you would recommend a freshie like me?
  6. Already had an NVME in there. This is for secondary storage and games I don't play most often.
  7. I own this laptop: https://www.asus.com/us/Laptops/ASUS-TUF-Gaming-FX505/overview/ Looking to get a good 1 TB HDD to go in the open slot I have. The HD will be used primarily to play games from. What would be my best option for price and performance? Obviously I want a 7200rpm HDD. Potentially looking at this HDD, thoughts?: https://www.amazon.com/WD-Blue-1TB-Hard-Drive/dp/B0088PUEPK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4CT4V6QOX695&keywords=laptop+hdd&qid=1576076332&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_two_browse-bin%3A6799355011%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_four_browse-bin%3A8067150011&rnid=2884135011&s=pc&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&sprefix=laptop+hd%2Caps%2C183&sr=1-1
  8. Is it close enough in performance to justify the price difference?
  9. is 3000 memory good or should I aim for higher?
  10. So you are recommending not get the ROG B450? I have always had great experience with ASUS. And really not worth it for 32GB of RAM? Is the $70~ price difference worth dropping down to 2600?
  11. I believe my Corsair H55 will work. Yes? I do still have the AMD mounting bracket.
  12. Hey y'all, Looking to upgrade to the Ryzen 5 3600 this holiday season. I currently have an i7 4790k, ASUS Z87k motherboard, and 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 RAM. With a new CPU I will obviously need a new motherboard and want to upgrade to DDR4 RAM as well. What motherboard and RAM would you recommend I buy? If at all possible, 32GB of RAM would be sick, but cool with staying at 16GB. Would like to keep the total for CPU, MB and RAM around $350 or less. Can stretch slightly if it really makes sense to spend a bit more for a worthwhile upgrade. Whatcha got for me?
  13. Cool. I am going to look into this some more and see if it may be helpful for me. Thank you for your help today!
  14. Dude, you are the king of the internet knowledge today. Okay, so then the laptop he was reviewing must have that technology built in?
  15. I have started to experience random lag in games which is why I am looking into it. Also looking into it just because I am interested in how it works.
  16. YES! That was it. The real MVP. Anybody have any info on what he is talking about here? I am interested to learn more.
  17. Well, I am still not 100% sure of what I am asking for and I wish that I could find it in the videos because I remember it making since as he explained it and that somehow it boosted his network performance.
  18. Hello, I am going to do my best to try and explain what I am trying to find. I cannot find the video again yet, but in one of his videos Linus mentioned that to increase performance to his Ethernet connection he was splitting between Ethernet and wifi. Something like sending Windows updates and other things like that go to wifi so that his Ethernet connection is uninterrupted during gaming. Does anybody remember this from the video and able to help me figure out how he did that? I would like to do that on my computer as well. Thank you in advance!
  19. Maybe unpopular opinion, and this is coming from a life long Xbox owner, but I think PS has the better exclusives. Thinking of like Spider-Man or God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn. And since it looks like most if not all Xbox exclusives are going to start being available on PC as well I think my next console will be PS instead of Xbox.
  20. Maybe unpopular opinion, and this is coming from a life long Xbox owner, but I think PS has the better exclusives. Thinking of like Spider-Man or God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn. And since it looks like most if not all Xbox exclusives are going to start being available on PC as well I think my next console will be PS instead of Xbox.
  21. I remember reading an article from some higher up at Xbox that they were interested in cloud gaming and supposedly working on their own type of service. I wonder if there is any relation here?
  22. I actually really like the password management throughout Apple. Though I am starting to consider making the switch from Apple products, as of right now I am really satisfied with their password manager.
  23. Not sure if this only works for Samsung SSDs, but this worked really great for me when I did exactly what you are listing. https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/product/consumer/magician/
  24. “And the box it came in is incredibly roomy too, which is a huge bonus, because I live in it now.” ?