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  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    Strix Z270
  • RAM
    8x2 Trident Z RGB 3466 B 16 CAS
  • GPU
    2x 1080Ti FTW3 Hybrid
  • Case
    Core P3
  • Storage
    500 GB 960 evo 1TB HDD
  • PSU
    1600W EVGA G2
  • Cooling
    TT Water 3.0 360 AIO

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  1. Hey guys, there was a tech linked episode , think it was narrated by Linus, commenting on how AMD graphics couldn’t get it together vs their CPU division. Riley is AMD graphics and starts to freak out and yell. Anyone know which episode ? I poked a around a bit and I couldn’t find it.
  2. Nowadays feels like they retained the annoying we know better attitude without the ability to back it up. Only took a couple years after he was gone for the freshness to disappear , roughly a couple lifecyles for phones at which point he obviously couldn’t have been involved so it’s not surpirsing ........ best example is 10R < 10S which I’m not going to bother going into why that’s stupid but jobs would never have had R<S and guess what this gen of phones were very lackluster.....
  3. Buying used is always going to be a game of chance. I usually do ok though. Newegg is fine . It can be a PITA to call them but their chat service is pretty good. Just RMA and be done with it. Amazon is ok when you know exactly what you want or don’t really have time to compare . I don’t reccomend people buy from there because they reccomend whatever they want based on algorithms not real knowledge. I’m not saying Newegg is perfect but atleast when I filter graphics cards I don’t get empty boxes and mouse pads and other BS showing up as results.
  4. I’d just open a chat with newegg and ask a person there...... much faster and the answer is backed by a representative of Newegg vs what people say on the forum.
  5. 1030 is not where I’d go, used 770 is good. I have one if you want it PM what you think is fair price .
  6. Having issues with overclocking using ryzen master on a R5 2600 non X sku. If I only turn on XMP and get the mem up to 3000 I get about 1280 cine bench with the processor at 3.7GHz ish. Decent amount of room for improvement there I'd say so I play around and soon I realize that some of the cores arent going to the speeds I set. Usually they end up at around 3.3-3.4 regardless of the setting unless its lower. The other cores are fine and will go to the set speeds. I get reduction in my CB score and the actual frequency shows up in HWI. I'm on a gaming 7 MB with a 360 rad so all the cooling and MB I should possibly need for the measly 6 core and Ive tried as much as 1.45 volts and set the LLC to turbo and still seem to have issues. Anyone have a similar issue happen or know what I should play with in BIOS. I tried turning off C states and a few other things to no effect. Its almost like when you OC Pascal and it trips some sort of OCP and forces frequency down. I'm
  7. Depends what you are doing, if you are going to dump tons of media files on it over and over maybe otherwise it doesn't matter. 150 TB is writing the entire drive every day for over a year........ Just keep you're usage around 80%-90% at the very most and it will last a long long time.
  8. cloning to different hardware often results in behavior like this, realistically when you do things like upgrades to storage you should move non OS data manually and perform a fresh install or transfer license using restoration software you can get from the OEM.
  9. Depends on what you play. If you play pretty much only FPS and you feel competitive in it and are going for 144Hz its a good start and open for a GPU upgrade in the future however if you play casually and or play lots of older titles and RPG games just save your cash and go Ryzen.
  10. We will have to see, pricing is weird in other parts of the world and they might be the same price here but totally differrent in india im trying to just give options, the fatality B450 is the lowest end i would bother with for 8 core processors and if its not much of a jump go tachi IMO.
  11. Its hard to look for details by looking at specs you need to usually see reviewers comments on them. Specs are best finding out whether you get wifi for example or if it has usb-c for example. Often they will say things like X number of phases or excellent memory support etc which is meaningless for the most part in the real world. For cost effective X470 I'd do a Taichi vs ASUS
  12. Run longer like at least 15 min since thats usually when you start getting maxed for thermals with a AIO, longer than that is better still but with prime, after 15 min youre getting there. Temps dont look bad to me think youre fine but should should check long term
  13. I'd recommend going faster than this to something like 3000 since it really doesnt cost any more for a big uplift. (just remember to use XMP) . Otherwise its probably fine for the most part. If you are trying to drive 144Hz monitor its probably not the CPU to use but otherwise it will get the job done and the graphics card will leave headroom for the future and you can upgrade to something like 2600 in the future if having 4 cores becomes an issue down the line.
  14. You only need to delid if you start getting close to thermal limit around 100C the CPU will sit at 80-90 happily all day so its up to you if its worth it. I wouldn't recommend anyone deliding anything less than a high core skylake unless its for fun/benchmarking. you wont notice the performance uplift of a 100-200Mhz daily use for things like games. I'm not saying you shouldnt but understand you are doing it for fun/being able to say you are running 5GHz which isnt a bad reason but if you are worried about trying to improve performance its not really going to help much. Delidding makes sense for the high core since you can start squeezing out nearly 30-50% more rendering speed out of a the processor if its something like the 7980XE which is massive improvement and helps add value to the purchase. edit: If getting 3000 cinebench was worth 2 grand, getting 4500 by paying someone like silicon lottery ~$100 to delid (insured of course) so you can run mid 4s all core is an absolute steal....
  15. But there is no regulatory reason that it can't be done. While I agree privately you have basically right to whatever you want to do it’s not so much the word of the law that stops you but the spirit of it. Along with of course liability. I just don’t see anyone interested in the idea of being responsible for people dying from a botched heli landing. The FAA The aren’t intrested in regulating what they don’t have to as far as I know the economy of flight taxi is enough so they don’t bother drafting restrictions since no one is stupid enough to try. There is of course the general flight restriction of no closer than 500 feet to buildings etc . With exception given to helicopters if it’s “not hazardous” given the history of helicopters in cites I wouldn’t be at all suprised if claiming a flight through manhattan 100 feet above was “not hazardous” would get shot down rather quickly (no pun intended) . my point wasn’t really to make it seem like it’s illegal but rather point out why it’s an insane idea from a risk reward point of view and if it were safe and reasonable to have air taxis we already would . There’s no magic tech we have been waiting for .