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Upside down question marks need to be integrated into regular written english. ¿Do yall agree? 

  1. Lord Mirdalan
  2. LukeSavenije
  3. FezBoy


    @LukeSavenije nonono  the upside down one goes at the beginning of the exclamation to say "This sentence should be read as an exclamation," that way you can read the whole sentence that way.


    We should all raid Area 51, KFC headquarters, the Pentagon, and steam HQ!


    ¡We should all raid Area 51, KFC headquarters, the Pentagon, and steam HQ!

  4. LukeSavenije


    ¡i think i got it now

  5. FezBoy


    @Den-Fi Nowhere, just use it.  Language is fluid, ¡if we get enough people using it it becomes the standard!

    Also, ¡it can be used mid sentence to show if a part is exclaimed or a question!

  6. Lord Mirdalan

    Lord Mirdalan

    Maybe we can get those area51 idiots [extremely dedicated persons] to rattle their pots and pans about this instead.

  7. FezBoy


    @Lord Mirdalan ¿Wym "Instead"? ¡I AM one of those idiots!

  8. Lord Mirdalan

    Lord Mirdalan



    Not quite sure what to say, TBH.

  9. soldier_ph