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Edzel Yago

LMG Staff
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Everything posted by Edzel Yago

  1. No idea but I'll be sure to tweet it as soon as it's available.
  2. https://www.districtlines.com/sizing It's under American Apparel T-Shirt
  3. I was just curious to know where you "international" folk are, maybe you guys can set up regional group-buys.
  4. Minor Update: Pricing has been confirmed! Supplies will be limited! (For now) T-Shirts will go for $19.99 USD S&H: US:$7 based on California International: Around $13 Pre-orders starting end of day tomorrow! Sizing Info: American Apparel T-Shirt https://www.districtlines.com/sizing
  5. Black shirts okay with everyone?
  6. Added another poll option to decide WAN Stealth stuff. You may have to delete your vote to be able to vote again.
  7. WAN stealth needs more upvotes!
  8. Uh oh, looking into fixing the poll.
  9. Poll refreshed. Final countdown! KAPEW!
  10. Since I changed the Brofist to reflect interest in a no-text version, is there anyone who voted for brofist but is opposed to the text removal?
  11. One to start with. I think the initial buy-in is making us go, "Hmm, we should try one shirt first just so we don't spend a hooplah of money on something we end up having a big excess of in the end."
  12. That's always going to be the rub though. As big as LTT is, it's still very niche and any reference will be niche. I need a list of LTT memes that other people might get (but also doesn't infringe on anyone's copyright).
  13. First thing we have to do is figure out which one to start out with. So get voting and make your voices heard! We'll probably have a second round of voting to narrow things down and refine designs.
  14. Updated OP with more stuff and updated stuffs. I've had this conversation before. It's like, "Oh, we're Youtubers. We... Make videos about tech stuff." And people just shrug.
  15. Yeah, I was wondering about the height placement of the back logo. I'll make adjustments tonight or tomorrow morning!
  16. I'll be making plain logo tees as well for Wan, ltt and possibly tq. I've put it off for now cause they're pretty easy to do. Maybe I'll pop em out when I get home and update the thread.
  17. Designs aren't final-final but pretty much is. Since it costs money to make the shirts, we're going to do a trial run of one of the designs (whichever wins the poll) first before buying into more prints.
  18. Added a poll 'cause he made me do it.
  20. LATEST UPDATE: Pre-Orders will start tomorrow (2/17/2014) So I've been given the task of making these. Thoughts and stuff, plzkthx. Edit: -Added WAN Stealth, Wan Text, Brofist no text, a LT2 stealth, and LinusTechTips plain. Updated others (except for #1) for lower LTT on the back. -Shrunk LTT on the backs of Brofist,SocksandSandals, and Server. -Removed text from BroFist and removed BroFist no text option. -Enough changes and updates have warranted a refresh of the poll! Results from the 1st round have been saved. Thank you for participating.
  21. Not necessarily. Depending on how it's angled (where it's pointed) relative to your mouth, you might have to be careful about plosives.
  22. Well, test complete. Microphone Setup.mp3