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This is the video of me shitting on this e girl streamer and her white night boys that she qued with. Their reactions are priceless.



  1. PCGuy_5960


    Holy shit her awp flicks are shittier than I expected.

  2. Mr.Meerkat


    How does one whiff so much? Lol

  3. Mr.Meerkat


    Actually, what rank is this? Some have alright aim and decent spray control but then others have utter bollocks of aim/spray control :P 

  4. mxk


    @PCGuy_5960 she's actually terrible. I might add her on my Alt to fuck with her

    @Mr.Meerkat bottom of the barrel. I'm stuck in silver since I have such low trust factor from scouting.

  5. Mr.Meerkat


    Ah, makes sense. Main account decayed from GE to silver after 3 years of inactivity and holy shmolly, silver is a lot better than I remember it being. Granted, most are not great but damn, some actually have decent aim now (but still rather poor game sense). 

  6. mxk


    @Mr.Meerkat yeah after the great deranking in 2015, the ranks changed a lot and most of the gold Nova's became silver. I have pretty bad gamesense but my aim is decent after playing for 3 years.
