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  1. how much do u think this particular drive will vibrate?
  2. I currently have a Asus k55n. I don't know very much about the hard drive, but I do know that it is 500 gb and 2.5 inch. Can I put this into a desktop? Looking to build one for a significant increase in performance. (Link to case is:https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811353098&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
  3. alright thanks guys ill just leave the gremlin alone I might show him this thread tho
  4. Try using PCpartpicker.com. It really helps. Also, this is pretty good. I think you should try to find a 500-1000 gb hdd just have room for lots of files. And are you going to install windows on the 128 gb pcie ssd? Also, dont go with the logitech kit. Just get a budget kb and mouse like the Reddragon kaura k552 and the Reddragon m711 mouse
  5. Alright. So there is this kid in my health class, and I overheard him say he had all of the parts to build his PC and that he was going to run FORTNITE (of all things) AT 4K 60FPS. So, the next day he is over nearby by my desk at the start of class, talking to someone else. I then ask him what is you GPU for you PC build? (Keep in mind this is only 7th grade). He replies with "Intel core whatchamacallit". I laugh so hard i fall out of my chair. I then say Intel doesn't make gpu's. He says yeah they do. So, I bring up Linus's video about the Intel prototype GPU, and says "THAT'S THE ONE I HAVE!" This goes on for about 5 minutes until the teacher comes in. The next day: He says he just got CS-GO and PUBG on this "new gaming rig". I was like "oh cool whats your steam name I will add you", and he says I don't have a steam account. He also says you do not need a steam account to play these games. This kid thinks he is so cool. BOTTOM LINE IS: HOW DO I END THIS GPU ARGUMENT?
  6. not glass just like plastic or something as long as i can see my rgb
  7. omg that case is so beautiful, but i wont be able to take advantage of that sale
  8. i was about to thank you so much for saving me probably 150 USD in replacements
  9. HMU with a link please! here one that i like:https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6rDzK8/diypc-case-j180w