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  1. This would be the perfect mobile PC for me. I like visiting my friends and bringing my PC, but having to heave all of my stuff around is always a bit annoying. With this, I'd be fine with 1 backpack and my monitor. ... also, this tiny box is quite a bit better than my current PC.
  2. Firstly, thanks a ton for the free year, guys. The videos are not as clear, but load a ton faster (at least for me). I also love the interface. Vessel Username: Lespedeza The Titan X SLI setup https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy The Gigabyte P34W https://www.vessel.com/videos/DkWN4qqW1 Good luck, everybody!
  3. Ignoring the possibility that he is just lying and basically got a free PS4 (and also ignoring that a PS4 might be a bit heavy for a 13 year old girl? Didn't anyone else see the "GTAV bundle"-thing?) - do you open every box at the store? True, he has been warned about the PS4 being returned before, but aren't the people who take it back supposed to check the item before selling it again?
  4. Esports on sports channels? Sure, full support on that. As mentioned above, poker is there, so why not some pixel action. It raises awareness of e-sports and helps putting it into its rightful place between rugby and synchronized swimming. I don't think they should be part of the olympics though. The olympics are a physical event, and they should stay exactly that. Seperate e-olympics would be fun. All kinds of games that need different skills mashed together in a race for gold medals.
  5. Still my favourite controller. Again, I disagree. Nintendo switching to realistic styles and stuff will exactly do one thing: Taking away what makes Nintendo unique (well there are other things that make them unique as well, but you get my point). They'll blend in with other companies and probably eventually disappear, since other companies do it for so much longer. I highly doubt a Nintendo-egoshooter trying to compete against BF or CoD would stand much of a chance. And I don't know how other people would react (it could be a surprisingly positive reaction), but I for one would simply stop buying their games if they were to discard their style. I buy Nintendo games because the game is awesome, not because the box has "Nintendo" written on it.
  6. 3 to 4 years of Wii U games that hopefully get a bit cheaper when the new console finally comes out.
  7. I'd go with "family oriented". And again, if I want mature stuff, I fire up steam and see what it throws at me. There are so unbelievably many games tailored to adult gamers, why should Nintendo hop on the bandwagon and blend in with this mushy, grey blob of pixelviolence? Not that I don't enjoy a good shootout with some friends, but I prefer the "friendly competitions" Nintendo offers. It's a nice and welcome contrast.
  8. Just out of curiosity, why do I have to be into PC gaming to be interested in PCs in general? I am not exclusively playing on console, even if that post looked like I am. The thing is, I love (as mentioned) the cutesy style of Nintendo games, and I seem to fail finding "cute" PC games that don't lack a story and/or gameplay.
  9. Thing is, it probably isn't worth it since there won't be too many games on launch, just like with the Wii U. The 3DS on the other hand is a thing that I also consider. I love their style. I always loved the cute bobbleheads, landscapes with eyes and kooper-shell-fights. If I wanted something hyperrealistic, I'd switch to PC games and mod the hell out of them.
  10. Eh.. no thanks. What I like about the Wii(U) is that it doesn't try to be a PC without a mouse (looking at you, xbone!). I don't like the "console exclusive"-concept because most of the games would work totally fine on PC. And while games like Mario Kart or SSB certainly would as well, since they support GCN/classic controllers, some of the games need the nunchuk or the dual screen-thingie of the WiiU, which separates them from the PC. If the games are console-exclusive because it has something that wouldn't work as great on a PC, I'm fine with buying a console. And yes, I am aware of adapting the controls to PC being a possibility. Regarding the new console: If it means that the Wii U is going to be cheaper, yes please!
  11. Virtual On: Cyber Troopers on the SEGA Saturn. From the controls to the character design to the music (especially the music), it's a masterpiece in my eyes, and still my favourite game.
  12. My Corsair HX520 decided to try creating dubstep with its fan. It worked, but the sound it made made me worry, so I bought a new one. Other than that, there is nothing I can remember.
  13. Inside the case? No. I don't have a window and my pc idles around under the desk anyway. Plus: If I had the money to buy something because of it's color, I'd keep it and save up for a new graphics card or smth else. On the desk? Yes. I stick to a green/black theme for now. Maybe I'll buy rgb-peripherals some day and go full-rainbow, but not in the near future.
  14. Favourite console games? Virtual On: Cyber Troopers (Saturn) and Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast). If handhelds do count, I would add God Eater Burst (PSP), Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP) and Metroid Fusion (GBA) as well. I also had a lot of fun with Monster Hunter Tri on my Wii.
  15. Come to think of it, sticking to something you already know doesn't seem too bad. Most people just dont need 2186 new features on every new phone. Sure, Apple claiming everytime how "re-invented" and "innovative" their new phone is makes it look dumb (ignoring the elephant in the room: the price), but the argument still stands.